New Grower Won't be around much for a while

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o ic
i dont know that 1
theres new stuff out there
in clinical trials too...

ive been letting my reading
get way behind since i found
this site.

because modern medicine has
no drug to prevent the recurrence/relapses
of lymphomas,i am learning to use MMJ
as a tumor cell better my chances
against a relapse...

healing karma sent
Sending continued remission karma your way also RV.

I wish I could make that oil but I would never even try. I am way to clumsy.
You never know until you try. It's worth a shot. It could help or maybe it won't you know unless you try.
But you'll never know if you doubt yourself from the start
i agree with you on the impossibility
of making Rick simpsons oil...
much too dangerous...but..
ironically...reading about how it was
used to help a man with lymphoma
brought me to this site.
in the comments section
someone wrote that if he grew
autoflowers he wouldnt have to
wait an entire year to make a batch
of meds...
so i came in search of the quicker
harvest to make meds with.
It's not that dangerous. Its very easy. time consuming, but easy.

Here you go.

very sad to hear that... best wishes to you and your family sir :peace:
I wish the world would just open there eyes to what the hemp plant can do. People have become little waking robots doing and believing whatever there told even if they can see the truth with there eyes.

The main reason I said I could not do it is since my stroke I drop everything lol the doctor didn't think there would be much improvement on my left side but if I keep trying I believe your brain can reroute. I see a big improvement in the last three years.

I know i'm so glad I found the truth about this plant The last year I am happier lost 50 pounds because I am not in pain and can do more but even my energy level is better I still have off days but the improvements in the last year are amazing. For my sister I'm praying the cemo will save her because sadly not all my family is ready to hear the truth about the real cure. the more success stories we get out there the more chances people will see them and in there time of desperation with health issues they will try it and then spread there success story and someday everyone will get it.