Win Fast Buds Original Auto Amnesia Haze

Fast Buds Original Auto Amnesia Haze, here we go!
Celebral intercourse,Oh Yeah!
haze autos always rock
Yes please, I'd love to try Amnesia Haze :pighug: never had before, well not that I can remember anyway :crying:
Ive already got an Ammy well on her way shes only a cheapo £2.50 single seed from Dope seedsbut she looks well id love a chance at growin a "more reputable" breeders version shes about 3 wk into flower but shes been ugly as hell til about 2 days ago when she just seems to have blossomed lol.
Very nice,I’d love nothing more than to run some Auto Amnesia from Fastbuds.I have a nice spot on my IG page to showcase them from start to finish.Everything I have seen coming from the Fastbuds camp has been on point and appealing :thumbsup: I’d book a date for her photo shoot in a heartbeat given the chance.:toke: Haze for daze.

Thanks for the opportunity for a chance at this.I’ve included a few bud shots of various ( autos ) I have grown below.



Im growing this new strain also known as the Test version FBT02 at the moment Outdoors and its starting to get pretty sticky
Would love to add more FastBuds to my collection! Auto Amnesia Haze sounds amazing! Thanks so much!