Well that's the home made root pots done instead of tie wrapping the 2 inch netpots inside the bigger pots I've used aquarium sealant should be easier to take apart at the end of the grow going to rinse out my aquapebbles later them ph them

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Little update on the heisenburgh specials day 67 now being fed on 0.5 ml liquid silica,1 ml calmag,1.5 ml advanced nutrients bloom and 1 ml overdrive per ltr of water filling in nicely now just a few quick phone pics

Well that's all for now peace out [emoji111]

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Nice Wilee.. They looked small next to the Ultimate, seems that isn't the case at all. Doogyrev.

Doogyrev? Flashbacks from "The Adventure Game" from the 80s. Dunno where that came from, I've only had half a beer!
last time I measured the biggest one it was 105 cm tall the smaller one 85 cm don't forget the ultimate was in a 33 ltr bucket don't remember the adventure game then again I don't remember a lot of things from the late eighties that's when I started my affair with lsd I was either tripping or sleeping :baked:
last time I measured the biggest one it was 105 cm tall the smaller one 85 cm don't forget the ultimate was in a 33 ltr bucket don't remember the adventure game then again I don't remember a lot of things from the late eighties that's when I started my affair with lsd I was either tripping or sleeping :baked:

WHAT? There was nothing else on TV at teatime! There was a bloke on there who spoke backwards, doogyrev is very good.. I forget you're old.. [emoji1353] I think I did my first trip in 90 or 91. Ooo purple Oms! Double dipped, yumma-yumma. [emoji83]