Indoor WildBill's Spring 2022 Photo and Auto grow


Cultivators Club
Nov 3, 2019
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I guess I need to start my new grow thread. 4x4 tent is all potted up with two regular and two Junior EarthBoxes. All ready for my first photo grow.
Two Twenty20 Trainwreck (Arcata Cut) fem photo will go in the Regular EarthBoxes. They will be planted on one end and laid over.
Two gifted Wizard's Apprentice x Tangie will go into the Jrs.
Trying Coast of Maine
For reversal, AFN chose 3 Bears OG X Double Grape. I'm gonna plant two. in 3 gal bags.

My second shipment from has been in Chicago for 5 days. I'll give it until Saturday for the status to change. If nothing by then, I'll pick one other strain to do the nute test. I'm thinking two of my gifted ChemBubbly or SSSC AUTO ELEPHANT. If they come in, I'll run them on the next run in an Earthbox.
Nute test girls will be in 5 gal bags with Mother Earth Ground Swell out of the bag.
One will get GreenLife Biotics full treatment.
One will get my take on organics and some KNF.

The Autos in the 4x4 will get moved to the 2x4 tent when the photos get flipped, if not sooner.

Same MarsHydro SP6500 will be the main light and two small UV for late flower.
Didn't drop seeds last night. I wanted to fully warm up the pots. I turned on the lights full blast with no exhaust.
I'll probe the media later today and then try a little different method of germing seeds.

It's mainly because I'm gonna direct plant and I want to let the seeds soak in the tent.
I'll shake the seeds in a tube of sandpaper to take off the sheen and help quicken water absorption. It does seem to help quicken the germ and I think helmet head also. The shaking seems to roughen the edges where the seeds split slightly more there. I'm gonna set the cups in seedling starter box, set it in the tent and cover with a towel. I plant when I see a tin tail just barely showing. I'd rather not plant with a longer tail and stand a chance of damaging the root more. It never made much sense to me to take that chance. Especially, since we're only talking about 12-24 hrs. If you see a tiny tail, the chances it's gonna sprout are pretty damn good.
Plant 'em and water in a bit with some soluble BigFoot Mycos in it, cover with a cup and turn down the light. 24/0 until they all sprout and then 18/6 for veg.

Gotta get rid of my old Teraganix EM1 and make a fresh batch. I'm gonna dilute what's left and water my little oak trees and's getting ready for a huge bloom. Been giving the magnolia a dose of FFJ once a week for a little over a month.
Seeds in the ground!
As the title says, Seeds in the ground!

Just not in the containers I planned! LOL! Yup......stoner moment!!:baked:
I planted the 3 Bears OG X Double Grape the regular Earthboxes. They were supposed to go in the 3gal bags.
So Trainwreck will still get an Earthbox, just a Jr.
Wizard's Apprentice x Tangie will go in the 3gal bags.
When flipping to 12/12, the Wizard's Apprentice x Tangie and Trainwreck will go into the 2x4.
I guess I'll have to plant the last 3BOG and reverse it and pollinate a few branches. I'll have to pollinate a branch/s that I can leave on the plant after I harvest for the seeds to fully mature. The reversed 3BOG will go into my little 2.3x2.3 tent when I see the pollen develop.I'll probably put any Trainwreck clones there too.
Wizard's Apprentice x Tangie will have to be my nute test. Not the size of pot I wanted, but it will have to do.
Trainwreck in the 2x4 may be a bit of deal to keep in control. I could still use a net, but with the tighter confines and different containers, I think bamboo will suffice for support in late flower. With the 3gal bags, training will be more of a natural form, so that's cool to see..
I'd like to have one more strain in this grow. I told SuperSativaSeedClub-David I'd use one of the strains they had sent to me last year in their Seed for Diary here:) thread. I think Auto Elephant will be a good candidate. It's a fine example of a reason for me to transplant. I'm avoiding transplanting seedlings and mainly direct plant after a soak. I'm not running a separate tent to germ one seed or two seeds. So one Elephant and the last 3BOG will go into little planters in the 4x4.

Not quite what I wanted, but it will work out fine in the end.
Adapt and overcome!!:headbang::headbang:
The other 3 Bears OG X Double Grape is up.
Still nothing from Trainwreck (Arcata Cut). I'm not really hopeful on one of them. The seed was a stubborn floater when sitting in the water.
I still have to plant one or two of the girls. So if neither of the Trainwrecks are up by Saturday morning, I'll drop two new TRs and the girls and two Elephants for reversal. That will complete my obligations for this grow.
Took the domes off the sprouted girls, turned on the humidifier and turned the big fan on low.
Mixed up light dose of Bigfoot mycos and gave a light watering to mainly hit the new tap root and get it inoculated.

The second up 3 Bears OG X Double Grape doesn't look all that healthy. If she doesn't snap out by Saturday, I'll drop another with the other seeds being planted.