Wild Thailand Ryder Grow off!!!!

:smoking: Well, it looks like I'll be the "cheer leader" this time around, but since Blue didn't leave her pom-pom's for me, I'll have to shake summn else at y'all! :eek1: :haha: :nono: -!!- what the hell were you perv's thinking?! I got me this-> :goodluck: and this :nicethread:, and, uh,..this :backside:....:rofl:

...Reb, that's great news! ..***... :eyebrows: I've seen what you can spank out of a 1gal bag,...LOL! What, am I slapping the wrong back here-- this is all Brimm's idea?! :biggrin: :cheers: ... thanks brudda, I had to bait the hook with some bud porn at least, even if I can't join in! I was very tempted, but I simply HAD to try out some Syrup, which you and Sir Bot's have tormented me with for months now! And the Vault had the diggady-deal on those beauties, so I ordered up a 5'er, and will sneak a girl or two under the wire here,...:woohoo1:

My OCD is in over drive it's killing me to see an uneven number pattern in the polls!!!! man oh man I'm gonna have dreams about this one guy's.
-- :laughcry: Space Brudda, I've been petitioning for a "facial tic" emoti' for 2 years now!! --has nobody found or made one yet?!.... leave it to you to bling-up your bags! :eyebrows:

... eP! you keep down-playing,.. most suspicious! :evil1:... I'm onto you though, and your secret (secreted?) home-made special ingredient-- sea bird guano!! :haha: :nono: :haha: see??! --shit's workin' already! :funny:

....Eek and Root :biggrin::bighug::cool1:...so good to see you join the fun-- somebody has to be responsible for all these rotten kids! :rofl: ...looking forward to seeing how the girls perform in that juicy new soil you guys scored!..maybe eP will share some "fert's" with you,... :eek1: LOL!

.....'Kracker-- :welcome: :goodluck: ... like I told Feenix, you could be a spoiler here, so slap that game face on and work up some proper smack talk! :pimp:

Well this will be interesting some big hitters growing in here, good luck guys

I think you missed the "S" when you said hitters. Certainly in my my case. And if you think I am underplaying it Waira, I promise I will prove you wrong. But it would be cool if I didn't. I did try to get TaNg to grow them for me, but I can't repeat what he said. Not nice!
Actually, it will be cool to see how we all get on.

Cool feenix! :d5:

All 6 of our seeds had tails and are now in cups.

Just checked...Eek is the first up!...we should get pictures up tomorrow.

Is ok on the stickers GA, you can use them or whatever...

I'm Lovin' all the designs on the t-shirts!

Yesterday I planted a World of Seeds Wild Thailand Ryder seed in a Root Riot plug with this set in it's permanent home, a 5 gal/20 L air pot containing 70% coco coir/30% perlite, with this within my tent (a few plants finishing-up; constant 78-80˚F). The plug was first thoroughly rinsed with distilled water and lightly squeezed out. So far, less than 24 hours, no action. The coco/perlite is a freshly prepared mix of about 60% new materials (Gold Label Coco, generic perlite, a free sample bag of the new CocoTek premixed 70/30 coco/perlite from Gen. Hydroponics) and 40% recycled media from my prior grow, with this rinsed with 5.8 pHed tap water with 2 mL/L Cal-Mag and Sensizyme (enzyme to break down residual fine roots from the recycled coco).

Presuming the seed sprouts, it will get distilled water administered at the plant stem to keep the plug moist at least until a leaf unfurls; I transition to feeding tap water; and when I presume a tap root is being sent down (see multiple leaves coming), I'll lightly soak/dip the bottom of the pot in say 1/5th nutrient solution, and let the root work its way down to this. Sound like a viable plan?

Anything special to watch for with this strain?
I think you missed the "S" when you said hitters. Certainly in my my case. And if you think I am underplaying it Waira, I promise I will prove you wrong. But it would be cool if I didn't. I did try to get TaNg to grow them for me, but I can't repeat what he said. Not nice!
Actually, it will be cool to see how we all get on.
Lol penguin ,,especially at. asked TaNg to grow them for you,,right stop moaning and get on with it:coffee::d5:
OK, my 3rd. bean is in its home.....until I kill it with this new to me, grow method!
Oh gimme a break! Briman, how can us mere mortals compete with a setup like that ! HaHa....loving it. This will be really good fun. Moderators at each others throats like never before. Good idea from Vault seeds. We all picked different seeds, but we all got the same. Classic.

Here is a picture of my three day old seedling.......

or maybe not. Damn camera !!!! eP.