Wild Thailand Ryder Grow off!!!!

Ok, just had to do it, dropped the 3rd. Thai Ryder in a rooter and will fire up the dwc bucket! I wanted to grow em all out anyway!:biggrin: See if I can keep it alive, being my second stab at dwc. The first run didn't go so well, but I was unprepared...not this time!:thumbsup:

I dropped the first 2 into their final air pots this evening and inoculated them with myco and gave them a bit of water.
Sorry fellas! Been dealing with some legal matters in NY.. Wrapping up Probate in NY... Finally DONE! Now that is lifted off my heart and shoulders I'm ready for fun!

Going old school... Dropping all 3 in one gallon grow bags! Been a few years since I've kicked the shit out of a one gallon bag... Gonna challenge myself a little! They are going in tomorrow!

GA those are beauts! Whose are they? Yours?! And I mean gear lol I know they are your plants LMAO

Wai you old SCALLYWAG!! got me salivating! You're the foundation of this comp and vibe... You barked on my ear, then Briman made the call... Had to follow suit! This is gonna be FUN!!

Green grow Karma to you all and a big THANKS to the Vault! Much appreciated!!
Last Monday I picked three horse for my daily wager. The bet is called a Patent. Costs me £3.50. Each race had 12 horses running.

My chosen horses came 12th / 11th / and 12th. So, you can see how I fare when it comes to competitions. In a nutshell, absolutely crap. My aim is to make you guys look good.

As the weather is set fair, I am going for a greenhouse grow. Non of this new fangled DWC stuff or hydroponic wizardry. I know I can't compete with you lot, but it will be a bunch of fun. And that is what I will enjoy. Let's have a blast and show the AFN world what we are made of. YeeeeHaaa eP.
Eek and my seeds arrived...

Already in damp paper towels.

Thank you to Vault Seeds for this comp.
We also got free T-shirts!


This will be an outdoor grow. We are using a new "Sea Blend" soil.

Excited to get started! :growing:
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