

...looking fantastic y'alls!!
.... boy, have I been missing out!


Brilliant!! --I about wizzed my seat cushion! You slay me, mate... WhTF do you
find this stuff??! What is
wrong with you?!

.... Alas, no eP, measurements should be taken from top down to the soil level,...pot not included!

LOL!.... that's like measuring your crankshaft (I'm sure you're adept

), and including the distance clear down to the bottom of your fuzzy clockweights!!

....Ahhhh, you a good'un eP....

...... your lady is long lean Dragon Queen! She's making damn nice bud, and I see that density building,...

...whole body porn I say, forthwith!! Right then--

Feenix-- DaaAAAaaamn!

I toad-jah, you could easily be the spoiler! What a boooosh,...

..excellent job on her Fee', she's just busting with bud sites! Keep rockin' it bro'---
...sorry to hear about the DWC beastie, dang it!

That was a fine-ass Mama in the making,.. but you're hardly bereft! Those two form a
hedge together- LOL!... are they really only that tall? I'da lost that bet all week :smoking:, they sure don't look it!..

... really nice, rich color on those ladiezz! ...are you doing any extra micro's, like Fe, Zn, etc.? Yeah, I think they'd love some extra elbow room, since they're cheek-to-jowl now, and ain't done spreading yet I'll bet! I think your haul will be impressive, since you have like 10 "main" cola on each!

....Good Stuff my friend-


Rebstah-- deeewd! What you do in 1gal bags is amazing,...

- seen it for years now! And talk about a crazy variation in builds, ay? Makes me wonder how different the buds will be, #2 leggs almost for sure at least,... Man, do they have a hairy look too-- pistil sexy!

...#3 bears a striking resemblance to a Menorah, doesn't it? LOL! The symmetry on that 3rd shot is uncanny,... yup, they got over their mild neglect rather well Id say! Spankin' them proper my friend!

...your turn! 
>>> Doobie- 
wher' yoo et, meng?
Space Bruddah
..sucky, yours got dry roasted!!

..I know how you feel, believe me-- I did the ame thing to a fantastic specimen-grade orchid recently... put it outside at night to get some cool on it, and forgot to bring it in next morn',... by noon, the Sun had it's way,....

goes the cloud forest orchid!!
***** What kind of aromatics are you guys getting so far? Sweet-floral, incensey..?