Wild Thailand Ryder Grow off!!!!

Now you know, YOU KNOW I had to just go and measure mine.

Just got the tape measure out and ..........37 inches......eat my shorts !!!! THIRTY SEVEN INCHES.

At last, some bragging rights. Back in the contest ! Whoo Hoo....

Pictures and proof tmorra, promise.....eP.

So now you're gonna waste a perfectly good rope?

So now you're gonna waste a perfectly good rope?

Ahem, well in hindsight, I could use it to strap up the tall girls !

Bollox Feenix, you got me. eP.
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Here you go chums......and, NO, they are not next doors plants ! The tape measure does not lie. And I cannot use photoshop. So there.

Nice growing, easier to deal with than a 9 month old sativa monster, hopefully with the flavour and buzz of classic thai stick too(which sadly I've never seen in my sheltered existence, thai stick that is, I've tried to grow thai before). I grabbed some those beans as soon I saw them but won't be starting them for awhile yet. I'll have to look at all the posts here and dream.