Lighting Wild Bill's first med grow with CBD, THC/CBD and CBG girls under HLG DIABLO 650R and new HLG 200 Rspec

Do you use vitamin c powder to get Clor out the tap...I add a tiny amount and have test for it and soon as I add's gone the test comes back negative... @Mañ'O'Green suggested this..I also add hydroguard and yucca powder to all my water....and bubble the tap for great I use teah down its natural way...and works can get a shit ton for just putting it out there....I've had perfect water this way....ppm 200 ph 6-6.7
This was a post from LS that I thought should share here for the good info
My water hangs around 180ppm and 7.2pH. I have 2 or 3 5gal buckets in rotation, so no need for bubbling or pH adjustments. I bring my water temps up to anywhere in the 70s and then add 1/4 teaspoon of the high quality humic acid to 5gal rate. Once a week, I add EM1 to the rez water. I played with other ferments in the last run that seemed to work well. It’s just a refinement/enhancement.
Don't worry that much about pH. Just a plain dilution to get it under 200ppm should be perfectly fine. Just making sure it's not crazy outta whack will work fine.
As with other organic grows, it's not an exact science, but heavily based in science. In EBs with a nute bank, ya just give the girl her food and SHE picks out what SHE wants from the bank. That's the beauty of the 'two root systems' the EBs develop. In a regular style pot, you can force nute uptake by the VPD. In an EB, the girl will just mainly take up water from the rez at the wicking areas.
I think it just lets the girl fully express her self naturally. The natural end of life fade is just one of the things I love with this method of growing.

Your most important hurdle in an EB grow is turning on the rez. Jrs are much easier and quicker to get to this point with the wicking areas close to the center planting of the girl. With watering your seedling like it was in a regular pot until the roots are well established for 12 days for really vigorous girls to 21 days for less vigorous, will get you to that point. With in reason, in Jrs, you can slightly overwater the seedling. The 'extra' water will go into the wicking area and so will the roots, the remainder of the water will be taken up by all the other media.
I think the girl's canopy covers the box from side to side is the time you can begin to add water to the rez. On Jrs, I start with a quart for the first two or three cycles, with a short dry rez period between waterings. When it drinks that in 24hrs, go to half-gallon for a few cycles. Once it drinks that in 24 hours, she gets the full gallon.

Regulars take longer and I'm a bit more cautious in watering the seedling itself and stick to 'normal' watering. I do add water directly on top of the wicking areas to help the roots find it better/sooner. I tend to let the girl get slightly bigger than covering the side to side. Timing to add water to the rez in a Regular is as early as 18 days and about 24 days. Same 'building up' to filling the rez and I only add 2 gal at the max.
I planted 7 last night after a 24hr soak. Good response in the seeds, but I've had better over all.
I checked the flipped cups this morning and they all looked like little greenhouses. Went ahead and misted the cup and planting site. Might have one up tonight. They'll be up when they're up.

I'm a little pissed about the Oly compost. I saw compost mites, adult and nymph. I didn't see other nymphs, but they were there. I didn't see the adults until AFTER I dropped seeds in water.

I set the EBs up and let them run to make sure this doesn't show up. Damn fungus gnats!
While I'm out getting the car scanned, I'm gonna get a bunch of fly paper to help control the adults. If what I want otherwise for control is available locally, I'll get it.
The timing sucks. If I find it locally, I'll spray topside today. If not, it will just have to wait. I'll have to wait on adding DE around the plant, where the bugs will come in and out, will have to wait until it's up and established a few days
And this affects my GOOD bugs.............the reason I bought the Oly!

All I planted were autos. I hope how I handle this doesn't stunt them!
At least I can jump on the one that is waiting for the SeedStocker beans.

edit...........I'm gonna call BAS just to notify them, not to bitch. Let's see what their response will be. I hope they do well.
I think I have my girls picked or the next grow.
4x4 is a CBD/THC med grow.
Jean-O's Genetics CBD Haze S1 Auto Fem gets a regular Earthbox.
SUPER SATIVA CLUB AUTO ELEPHANT gets a regular Earthbox. Sweet CBD gets a Jr Earthbox.
Twenty 20 Vidamints 50/50cbd gets a Jr Earthbox.

2.3 tent will probably get Dutch Passion Auto CBG Force or Auto CBD Victory a Jr Earthbox. Leaning to the CBG girl, simply to see the effects of CBG.
:headbang: Bill bro', this is going to be phat I just know it! I'm particularly interested in the CBG gilr of course, been eyeing those myself in fact...
I've found somebody locally who has tried CGB, and while they aren't that canna-savvy they know a good buzz when the get it- :rofl:- and when they don't! This person said it feel similar to CBD, indeed no-buzz effects, but like CBD it can offer a sense of "well being", lessens anxiety, that sort of thing... It's effects aren't nearly as broad as CBD, but does act in it's own unique way... It might be a potent entourage component to THC, boosting it's effects? You'll find out soon enough! :eyebrows:

You're gonna love the CBD Haze, very nice 1:1 cross. This Dinafem cross repro' was done by one of my oldest mates from here (now gone), Stickman, and he selected very well. This will be perfect day weed, git-r-dun shit alllll day long! My girl last year was very Hazey in build, nice narrow modest density buds. @hecno as grown the best one I've seen to date though, she was a chunky beast :vibe:
Elephante seemed to test well here... I've not seen much Vida' but hey, it's T20M, so no worries!

More than likely, the small tent will get a HLG 200 Rspec......................well, It will be here sometime next week. I went ahead and ordered it. With the AFN 10% discount, it was $251.10 to my door. :biggrin: :headbang::headbang::headbang:
This light will give you 4hr+ wood man, be careful-:crying: .... I got that limited edition Diablo DIY kit last year, single panel and it's practically weapons-grade, man! I ran it at 60-70% at most, and while the FTG Infinity was at 100%... The Diablo is a bit higher in watts, but the out of all proportion stronger, so you'll be quite pleased with that R-spec!
RootBeer Float are up and unfurled
Ooo great choice dude, that's a winner! mine had definite sarsaparilla-like aroma, rootbeer-ish without the birch element that good rootbeer has (smell birch oil sometime if you can, you'll see what i mean)...
RBF is very potent, terp rich, and if yours follows the trend, she'll be super dense bud especially when dried. My weird little plant made neutron-matter pellet buds! :rofl: .... I think the GLN Roots2Shoots hormones may have wonked a couple plants last season? The NevLime did a similar thing, smaller leaner stoopid solid buds which is not the usual for NevLime...
My bad probably, it wasn't a consistent thing by any means so WhTF knows!
Well, one more girl came up......I think. No seed hull in breaking the loose surface, but could have knocked it off coming up. Leaves are a bit odd. I should be able to tell later today. Another just looks up, but it's just a seed head at the moment.
I pulled the cups off the two girls that are up and unfurled.
Other than the two already up, this is some of the slowest germinating and busting the surface I've had so far.
:headbang: Bill bro', this is going to be phat I just know it! I'm particularly interested in the CBG gilr of course, been eyeing those myself in fact...
I've found somebody locally who has tried CGB, and while they aren't that canna-savvy they know a good buzz when the get it- :rofl:- and when they don't! This person said it feel similar to CBD, indeed no-buzz effects, but like CBD it can offer a sense of "well being", lessens anxiety, that sort of thing... It's effects aren't nearly as broad as CBD, but does act in it's own unique way... It might be a potent entourage component to THC, boosting it's effects? You'll find out soon enough! :eyebrows:

You're gonna love the CBD Haze, very nice 1:1 cross. This Dinafem cross repro' was done by one of my oldest mates from here (now gone), Stickman, and he selected very well. This will be perfect day weed, git-r-dun shit alllll day long! My girl last year was very Hazey in build, nice narrow modest density buds. @hecno as grown the best one I've seen to date though, she was a chunky beast :vibe:
Elephante seemed to test well here... I've not seen much Vida' but hey, it's T20M, so no worries!

This light will give you 4hr+ wood man, be careful-:crying: .... I got that limited edition Diablo DIY kit last year, single panel and it's practically weapons-grade, man! I ran it at 60-70% at most, and while the FTG Infinity was at 100%... The Diablo is a bit higher in watts, but the out of all proportion stronger, so you'll be quite pleased with that R-spec!

Ooo great choice dude, that's a winner! mine had definite sarsaparilla-like aroma, rootbeer-ish without the birch element that good rootbeer has (smell birch oil sometime if you can, you'll see what i mean)...
RBF is very potent, terp rich, and if yours follows the trend, she'll be super dense bud especially when dried. My weird little plant made neutron-matter pellet buds! :rofl: .... I think the GLN Roots2Shoots hormones may have wonked a couple plants last season? The NevLime did a similar thing, smaller leaner stoopid solid buds which is not the usual for NevLime...View attachment 1577454 My bad probably, it wasn't a consistent thing by any means so WhTF knows!
If I can get the gnats in control, This is gonna be an interesting grow and hopefully useful. The mainly CBD and CBG girls will be more useful if I make live rosin with them. Root Beer and the beans SeedStockerMark is sending, are the only two THC only girls. One of those will get dry ice to make live rosin. This will give me the flexibility to make a custom mix to experiment with and find what will hopefully work on pain relief.
I got the CBG girl to add to the mix for a Vet that has PTSD. It's supposedly relatively mild. That's from his wife, but he may not tell her everything. I'll test with him to see what works for him. It might help me too. I'll test the same ratios that I give to him.
We'll see! I am pretty hopeful!
Well, Elephant will get replaced. It came up with the worst helmet head I've seen so far.
I'm a bit pissed at my germ rate on this run. I didn't really get the reaction from the soak I normally see, but that hasn't been a problem. Maybe I didn't settle the media enough before planting and watering, further dropped the seeds too far down.
I dunno!:shrug:

With Elephant needing replacement, I think I'm just gonna soak the replacements today, if I don't see any progress with a close up exam this morning.

Jean-O's Genetics CBD Haze and Root Beer Float and Sweet CBD are girls that are up and looking great.
Here's some baby pics of Jean-O's Genetics CBD Haze and Root Beer Float and Sweet CBD

Root Beer Float
100_0665.JPG Sweet CBD

Jean-O's Genetics CBD Haze

I guess I supplied them with a great environment!!
They get treated wif sum toads when I plant and another dose of BTI
At least the cheapass rat sticky paper knocked the F outta the adults!
Got my todes mixed up in the water and waiting the 20 min the instructions says. Why a 20 min wait? The todes have to wake up or something?
I'll spray that all out over 8 Earthboxes with a little over half a gallon wit 10M todes........way overkill!
I'll plant after that.
Looks like the BTI spraying and the rat glue worked well. I'm gonna let the todes gain a foothold before I spray again..........if I need to. But I think I'm just gonna hit again Monday or Sunday for good measures.
Didn't see any gnat adults under the covers and did see some compost mites.