Lighting Wild Bill's first med grow with CBD, THC/CBD and CBG girls under HLG DIABLO 650R and new HLG 200 Rspec

Hey Bill,

What's the water/humic blend you use? I might point @Entombed towards your thread here. He's emailed me a couple times asking a few questions. I told him to get on here and read some of the earthbox threads from you and fermented fruitz.
Mine is a fairly expensive humic acid. I got it a couple of years ago when I was learning the modified KNF method.
It's only 1/4tsp/gal. I have enough for many years. I use it to help things along and moderate things a bit.
I was hard to get at the time. RAW brand will work also.
I think I've not given some of the girls a long enough dry down between filling the rez. Combine that on top gnat damage, makes sense on a couple of girls that are not performing as expected.
So it's gonna be seeing the rez go dry, wait a minimum of 12 hrs and as with regular pots, memory weight will e the defining point for filling the rez.
With that in mind, no one got watered a midnight. All girls got a foliar spraying for flower.

I think when Sweet CBD and Elephant need watering, it will be with a top watering with EM1 and Blue Gold Flower.
Hi @WildBill !

Cool grow! Do you think an earthbox is a good starting place for a beginner? If so is there a good place to buy them from? Thanks.
I think a Junior is a great starter for a beginner. A simplified version can be easy and productive.
I found great deals n Amazon.
I think I'm seeing good results from the foliar spraying. Sweet CBD is packing on the buds. They are firming up nicely.

Twenty29Babies are doing well, with one a little funky

2x4 tent looks good.

Root Beer Float is doing good. I think I have the issue nipped in the bud. I think it was from her eating into the nute mound so much. The spraying has seemed tide her over until the topdressings kick in. When Sweet CBD and Elephant dry up enough, I'll take another look at her nute mound and leaves and make a call to top spray with the Blue Gold.
At this early stage of flower, RBF is very generous with the frost on the sugar leaves!


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After a nice dry down with the box lightening a bit, Sweet CBD, Vitamints and Root Beer Float got their rez filled with Humic acid water and EM1.
I didn't top water Sweet CBD with Blue Gold because Elephant wasn't ready for that. I don't think Sweet CBD has a lot more time at around 55days old.
Elephant has shown a deepened and more even leaf color with the spraying of flower nutes with more aminos. When I top spray her nute mound, she'll get defol and training. At the same time, Vitamints gets pulled out for a heavy defol.....she needs it again..........BAD! The only negative I can say about Vitamints is she's very bushy with a lot of disorganized side branching. It's not really bad, it's just more work. She is putting the buds out though!!!!!
CBD Haze has also benefitted from the foliar spraying. She may not be big on this run, but she make some nice canna. Her buds are fattening and firming up nicely.

With the babies being a week old, it's past time to lower the humidity. I put the dehumidifier back on line and set it to 55

Speaking of buds........Here's some flash shots!
Root Beer Float .........I had to take a close look at her leaves. She looked a bit different.....a little off. Well, nothing was off. It was quite good. What I was seeing was a lightening of the leaves of the top colas. Well, the leaves weren't lightening. The trichomes on the sugar leaves are getting so numerous! LOL! Sugar leaves getting that frosty at this stage f flower is pretty crazy. If she keeps that up, she'll be a hash girl for sure and some for cobbing

2x4 tent...............The Meph girl is flowering well. CBG Force is gonna have a nice main cola!

CBD Haze is trucking along quite nicely!

Sweet CBD with her bunched cola. I think I might shoot all the girls with Phyter as a precautionary measure against mold..

And Vitamints ...........she'll benefit from a heavy defol. She's gonna make some canna