Lighting Wild Bill's first med grow with CBD, THC/CBD and CBG girls under HLG DIABLO 650R and new HLG 200 Rspec

Vitamints got a gallon water with frass and alfalfa ferments and 1mg of FPE extract. She's really getting her roots in order and is kicking it into high gear. I wished I'd topped her, but she is forming a very nice open structure naturally and my helping, limited as it may be, is helping me capitalize on that attribute. She's looking to be a tall girl and not overly bushy.
The documenting method yesterday paid off with an accurate measure of water usage.
Root Beer Float didn't drink her rez dry, but very close! It should be fully dry by morning.

Still nothing from the Twenty20 beans. Rooters and heat mat should be here by noon and beans will be dropped!
The two girls got their water with frass and alfalfa ferments with EM1.
CBG Force got two more branches trained. She definitely needs topping I think. The next one I grow will get it.

CBG Force

And little Miss Show Off

Root Beer Float

Gratuitous 4x4 shot
That CBG force is a lanky plant for sure. A distinct structure I can see fitting in to a CBD purple strain for a f1 trial strain.
Thanks for sharing you're endeavours buddy. We all learn from sharing. :woohoo1:
That CBG force is a lanky plant for sure. A distinct structure I can see fitting in to a CBD purple strain for a f1 trial strain.
Thanks for sharing you're endeavours buddy. We all learn from sharing. :woohoo1:
She could have some interesting genes to contribute, and that's one good reason to share. You see something that you think it could have something to offer. Structure, the basic form, is what attracts me most times to strains with the end bud structure meets that particular end usage needs. An example, not all hash plant bud are viable for flower. A high leaf to bud ratio with frosty sugar leaves makes a good live rosin candidate and destined to get the Shake Shake Shake in the bubble bowls! Just too much work to get a quality trim in my book. I like easy! Dh! That's why I'm using Earthboxes!
I'm gonna use her flower to make live rosin. This will give me the most flexibility in making meds with her. I think her structure would change a bit if she was topped properly. I think she'd still be very orderly in her structure. She is very efficient in her current structure. I can't see her making sucker offshoots to spoil her nicely organized structure..

Since I'm gonna go this med route in a serious fashion, I'm gonna have to find a place to do full spectrum analysis. I need to start a thread to get current info on the topic.
I appreciate the input!
Tonight should be a 6gal plain humic acid water night, I think.
All girls will get foliar kelp and EM1.
Root Beer Float will get some training and examination of the root intrusion into the nute bank. I haven't looked at it since getting a handle on the gnats. I'm fairly sure she'll be fine for at least 2 more weeks, but she has quite expansive growth since then. Her bud sites have just starting to put out hairs, so it's very early flower.
I DO NOT want to get behind her needs. I regret not jumping into action on Knows Candy. No telling how much more productive she would have been with her over 8oz results.

VitaMints is really coming into her own. I'm getting excited about her! :headbang:

Oh yeah.... @Twenty20 Adam .....That OgreBerru has really cured extremely well! Beautiful and strong grape/fruit/berry smell with that funkyass undertone. EVERYONE has absolutely RAVED about the flavor. The high was outstanding, being heady for quite a while, but multiple hits will sneak up and knock you out if not active. Seems to help relax my muscles quite well.



Everyone has commented, "WTF is that damn undertone?":funny:
Two said 'funky socks' and one said 'a load of jock straps needing washing'
It was a group chat. Dead silence after that comment!:funny:
T0 break the silence, I said, "We're NoT asking you to elaborate on HOW you KNOW what that smells like!"
I'm thinking some rosin will be off the charts!
Those watching this, OgreBerry needs to be on your want list for sure.
Yeah, I'm HIGH AF on her!:baked:
Lights on in the 4x4, reveals that VitaMints has surpassed Sweet CBD in height! She is getting her freak on hardcore these last 5 days or so. Still great structure that is getting steadily thicker and stronger. When she started this, I was thinking she may need support. I'm trending to say no with the base structure's rate of growth in girth and outward growth. That's why I love Earthboxes. The growth and rate is amazing when the roots get firmly established. I hope it never stops giving me pleasure and amazement. No defol with her, other than very bottom clean up. I wasn't really sure if she was going to do anything and didn't want to add to her stress, so I didn't top. I don't really think it's gonna be any problem. She has a very efficient and open structure an all itve done is open up the branching.
I'll be ecstatic when I can grow in can open grow room for more flexibility. I could open her up quite a bit more.

Elephant is in the beginning stages of her rage. She needs training, so she gets it before she gets two gallons. I gotta look back and see where I predicted her rez dry time. She did beat Jean-Os CBD girl, but she is looking like she may be coming into a growth spurt while in early flower. She did get hit the worst of the ones that sprouted, 3 out of 7!:face:
I really didn't expect anything close to what I have now. She's a fighter!
I don't know who is stinking up the tent.....Jean-Os or the Sweet CBD or both
I need to finish the testing of the mat and get that on the road. I'll be pushing it a bit on keeping the lung room in germinating conditions too much longer for my late joiners. Still nothing at lights out at 6pm. If I can give them a week to get their feet under them after breaking free, I can slowly lower the humidity.. With the Roots Organic, I can just plain water them for quite a while. They'll have plenty of time to get ther feet under them before I need to start the MC on the regular pots.
At least that's the plan.:funny:
It was a productive Witching hour that lasted 2 hours.

Everyone got some training, with Elephant and Vitamints being quite extensive.. What an amount Vitamints has blown up in the last few days!
Sweet CBD and Vitamints got a gallon each of plain humic acid water and Elephant got two.

Root Beer got some more training and a gallon of water. She's now all over the sides of the tent and it's fully packed now. Too bad it's not a 3x3. I think that may get changed out next run. I could turn it into a drying tent.
Examination of the nute bank shows she still has plenty left. LOTS of great activity by the good bugs!
Mephisto Forgotten Cookies X Strawberry Nuggets will get some training in the next 5 days or so when it will be a bit more productive. She's in daily improvements. She got her rez filled.
I didn't want to handle wet plants, so no one got any foliar feeding. I'll take care off that tonight.
A quick morning check looks like I did nothing a few hours ago.

Just Monday, Vitamints was roughly 4 inches shorter than Sweet CBD

Wall to wall Root Beer Float!

Baby Meph girl getting there