Indoor Wick'd Solo Side Show

A good amount of growth going on now. Not too bad for spent soil, Osmocote and plain water in the tubs.
Whiskey Zulu

Double Grape



Nothing from the Blue Moby's yet. :smoking: Since the SS grow is back on everything is gonna be solo'd to finish.
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Welp, didn't work straight out but thinking on salvaging the grow. Didn't work as far as the roots are concerned just like @St. Tom predicted....but I got a new direction to try since they are still small.

Going to try new style cups, a copper cloth disc ( ala auto pots ) and gently cut these apart and transplant into new is an experiment so lets experiment..
Solo Cup Shit Show
On further thought, seeing as they are doing good and not wanting to screw em up at this stage we are switching to Modified Kratky Method. Simplest of hydroponics from what I've read and I hops so since I've never done hydro either. I call it Modified for the reason that the nutrients are in the soil in the cups and they have wicks to help with water uptake. Hoping they'll be enough able to keep the soil moist enough to release the nutrients. If not I do have GH nutes on hand to aid in that area if need be......
Will have to try the other method of containment of roots when these get done and I don't have so much on my plate.... :kitty:
bill what is that stuff in the mason jar? is it roots or a sock? im having an optical illusion goning on
I'm using Folgers coffee tubs....strips of old towel for wicks from the bottom of the solo cups and roots got out of control which is not a true solo grow so I'm going Kratky hydro to finish em out.
man im going to have to try this. i tried kratky with some tomatoes last year and failed, but i could see this working.
My main thing is trying the Osmocote pellets which are working great in my auto pots so I'm seeing how small a space I can use them in...normal Kratky is just basically passive hydroponics with liquid nutrients. For mine to work the wick needs to bring up enough moisture to break down the pellets to release the nutrients which has been working in my auto pot system.
So I went in and opened up the holes a little more to allow better root escape. Still not looking too bad and standing straight. Topped a couple.

A couple showing sex already.

Blue Moby starting in on growth.

Vidamints looking weird on growth but still going.
Quick check in
Just a quick shot .

Whiskey Zulu showing a bit of problems but flowering nicely.
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