Grow Room Wi-Fi power strip?

Jan 26, 2020
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I was wondering if anyone was using a wi-fi power strip in their grow room/tent? I want more flexibility in the automation of lights and fans and any potential future additions to my grow. My current strip has a mechanical timer that controls 4 outlets but everything has to be on the same timer. Not ideal at all. Tell me of your experiences please!
I have Alexa enabled AC, outlets, and the AC Infinity 67 controller.

I also have Wyze cams to look at my greens, and can swivel to see my temp and humidity actual.

I haven't had to be a remote vault overseer yet, between the settings on my humidifier, and fan controller limits nothing has needed my interference. It was just a feature I added because I already had the material

I just wanted the ability to remotely shut the light in the case of exhaust failure. I suppose I could wire up a low pressure sensor from a furnace to detect that the fan actually is working as a failsafe. Sudden fan failures are rare, they usually get really loud before they fail.
I don’t use a WiFi strip, but I do use 2 receptacle WiFi/smart plugs by Gosund. Each receptacle can be controlled independently. I really like them. I plug them into one of those multiple receptacle strips/blocks that mount directly to the wall plug. Or you can plug them into a normal strip, or the wall on their own. They work well and are priced fairly.
I use Kasa smart strips; one Wayze camera in the tent and one aimed at my Bluelab monitor; an Inkbird temperature controller; an Inkbird RH controller; and a PulseOne. All electrical devices - lights, fans, AC unit, inline fan, dehumidifier, chiller, water pump, etc. - are powered on/off via the smart strips. An added benefit is that the smart strips report energy consumption and historical usage.
I just started a grow - seeds in water yesterday and into RapidRooters this afternoon. I can run the apps for the Inkbirds, the Pulse, the camera, and the power strip from my iPhone or my MacBook Air (the MBA runs macOS as well as iOS apps).
It took a while to get the pieces that I needed but it's working out pretty well.
I also use the wyze cam pan tilt v2. Every utility of my grow is connected to wyze smart outlets and a Inkbird temp and rh wifi controllers. The peace of mind I get from being able to control my tent remotely is awesome