Well, that makes this thread even more confusing.

Dont follow the misunderstandings of others. I think flushing is only needed in certain situations where the plant has been fed synthetic nutrients at high levels and i dont do that, so i dont need to flush.
Im only curious about the PH having to be correct in those rare cases where it is beneficial as everyone says, because for some reason it popped to my mind that maybe, just maybe just cutting the nutrient intake by raising the water PH could potentially have the same effect, but maybe even do it more effectively = faster.
No real reason for why im asking this other than curiosity and wanting to understand EVERYTHING. Others made this about flushing vs no flushing, even tho that was not my intention and i said on the early posts that i dont want that discussion here, yet everyone started spamming about that, which kinda sucks to me :/