Outdoor Why are my plants so small ? Help/Advice

Apr 16, 2016
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Hi Guys

Im currently on my second auto grow and my plants are very small, im totally confused as to why and was looking for some help/advice.

My first auto grow is two fast buds gsc. They are about 2-3 weeks from being finished. The tallest of them is only 35cm tall. I did make some mistakes as its my first grow and thought that i had just stunted them (i left them in the dome to long and cooked them a bit, then i gave them nutes too early to try and "help" them, which did the reverse)

Anyway, i started another grow. This time a fast buds auto lemon, it started to flower yesterday (day 21 from seed) and is only 15cm tall. I look at other peoples outdoor grows and they seem to be of a reasonable size when they go into flower...where am i going wrong ?

My plants are outdoor on my terrace. Im in Spain. They get about 10 hours direct sun per day and the remainder is in the shade. The air temp at the moment is about 30c - 35c, minimum about 27-28c. I am using bio bizz all mix. I am using bio bizz nutes, but i only started to introduce them slowly last week (root juice and bio grow). Ive recently had some issues with thrips (which im treating) but apart from that they look very happy, no drooping or any other issues. I always check PH and PPM. They get water/nutes 2-3 times a week depending on the weight of the pots, how dry the soil is, and how hot the weather has been. On this grow i didnt use my dome at all and started them in the final pot (10L) so they havent been transfered.

Any ideas would be hugely appreciated. This is not a commercial grow its just a hobby, but i would like to grow something of a decent size, and not the bonsai trees i currently have.

Thanks everyone !
I'm on my first grow, 2 x northern lights autos, growing indoors. The first has only grown just under 30cm and is VERY bushy... unmanageable bushy! The second one is over 2.5ft tall. There's only a 2 week difference between the two, so they get the same environment. I'm trying to work out what I did differently and can only think that I watered the smallest with too many nutes too soon and maybe didn't water enough run-off, which could have caused some kind of lock out in the medium. The only other possibility is the genetics. Are you buying all the seeds from the same place?
I'm on my first grow, 2 x northern lights autos, growing indoors. The first has only grown just under 30cm and is VERY bushy... unmanageable bushy! The second one is over 2.5ft tall. There's only a 2 week difference between the two, so they get the same environment. I'm trying to work out what I did differently and can only think that I watered the smallest with too many nutes too soon and maybe didn't water enough run-off, which could have caused some kind of lock out in the medium. The only other possibility is the genetics. Are you buying all the seeds from the same place?

They are all from the same seedbank, mine are not even bushy just very small (some recentish photos in my grow diary). No idea what I'm doing wrong and why so small compared to other outdoor grows.
well i know one thing when doing OD grows that I see over and over again are higher temps will essentially choke an auto short more times than not and added stresses(like thrips for example) will tend to add to that issue. a piece of sun cloth or shade cloth typically works well for mid day sun when I did OD grows. but yeah pics are helpful but thats one thing. 35C is kinda warm for an auto. im guessing thats a lot of the issue. much above 80+ F is running the top end of what autos like outside. with little wind or cool water to pull from its chokdes it small most timews. 95 F = 35C is frigin HOT just baking in the sun.
well i know one thing when doing OD grows that I see over and over again are higher temps will essentially choke an auto short more times than not and added stresses(like thrips for example) will tend to add to that issue. a piece of sun cloth or shade cloth typically works well for mid day sun when I did OD grows. but yeah pics are helpful but thats one thing. 35C is kinda warm for an auto. im guessing thats a lot of the issue. much above 80+ F is running the top end of what autos like outside. with little wind or cool water to pull from its chokdes it small most timews. 95 F = 35C is frigin HOT just baking in the sun.

Hey, it's normally around 30c, but we have a heatwave at the moment which is pushing it up a bit. Here are some photos taken now, there are more on my grow diary (link in my signature)


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Yeah what you have to remember is unlike photoperiod plants the ruderalis gene almost always comes from northern lattitudes that don't get that warm, so inherently they don't like it. I am with @Eyes on Fire I think it is stress related. But one looks hungry for sure. First pic is N hungry or locked out one of the two
Yeah what you have to remember is unlike photoperiod plants the ruderalis gene almost always comes from northern lattitudes that don't get that warm, so inherently they don't like it. I am with @Eyes on Fire I think it is stress related. But one looks hungry for sure. First pic is N hungry or locked out one of the two

They have been going since the start of May, temps then were around low 20s, it's only the last month where it's hit 30c.
All are due to get water/nutes tonight, they last got some on Friday evening.
For sure one is showing some signs of heat stress, it started on Thursday, I move it to the shade for most of the day , but it still gets a few hours in the morning, apart from that not much I can do about it