New Grower Who is the best reliable source for Autoflower seeds??

Yeah I know what you all mean by the temp cards. I've used greendot cards in the past with eBay and PayPal. Both of them are unsafe as well. Eventho they claim to be safe. Thank you for all your input!! Wherever I order from I will be letting u know how it goes!
dude dont get autowidow from lowlife they dont auto
Dope-seeds doesn't retain any customer information. It's flushed after the order in processed.

I use my debit card for seed orders. It's automatically locked for overseas orders so when I order I have to call and have it opened for a period of time, usually 24 hours. Nice feature that prevents the card from being misused.
Thank you for all your replies and recommendations... Are part of I thought I read that they were?
I've used Attitude a few times and received all orders with no problems.

CDC i got that email also and so did alot of other people.
I urge you all to post your thoughts and interactions with seed banks in our seed bank review forum!! It's a great resource for new growers. Read the first thread in the forum to understand how the processs works (the thread rating will tell you the banks rating).