New Grower White Widow Xtrm (AMS)/Mephisto BluetoofSpecial Pheno

Will have pictures later tomorrow but the ww is almost ready. She’s got a few (very few) ambers and she’s getting sticky!

Fed her 5 days ago and waited for her to get droopy. Watered her today and she perked up and she’s sticky to the touch, not if I kinda squish her buds but if I just brush against them. I’m getting excited!!!!
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Drying her out has seemed to work. Literally over night she’s started to pack on weight and her buds are getting nice and hard! She’s sticky to brush up against and just touching her you get sticky fingers.

I’ve got pictures I have to edit and then upload.

On another note my Puff Puff Pass Gorilla Cookies has sprouted. I’m planning on putting it in a 3 gallon and topping and fiming the shit out of it.

Pictures of ww to follow soon!
looking real good,lil whisps of colour showing through.
It’s getting close. It seems the closer to harvest time slllloowwwwwwwsssss down!