OLD REVIEWS White Widow Autoflower

Yes auto. Grew several of the dinafem white widow xxl auto at different times...all in 3 ltr pots so I'm prob not a good example to go by...but they all were uniform in stature...18-20" above pot, stocky.
what went it the deciding on pot size for you?
what went it the deciding on pot size for you?
Actually, pot size was a simple decision. Handling. Being a bonzai grower for over 50 yrs gave me a leg up.... but MS forced it.
I started growing over 15 yrs ago with my first grows in a large room, prob 16x20ft and always had 20-30 plants perpetually. With no forums and using miracle grow crap, I grew a lot of weed in small pots. There's a good thread by full duplex about hefty autos in small places that kinda substantiates what I learned when I started. Believe me, MG is useful in a big way - it'll teach ya how to water!
While most grow for yeild, I grow for medicine and even a small plant provides plenty.
Over the years, I've downsized considerably but I'm gonna grow weed even if I have to use a thimble.