New Grower White Widow auto indoor/outdoor

May 10, 2018
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Hi guys! Here is my first grow journal for my first plantation!
I did buy 3 auto ww seeds during a trip in Amsterdam without absolutly wanting to make them grow a day, was just "hyped" on the moment you know :p and after 2 months of intense reflexion about "should i try or not"
i did put one seed to germinate while i was bored, on a rainy sunday, about 30 days ago.

After this useless intro, let's talk serious business

Materials :
- 10L container
- Soil components : Coco, shpagnum moss, brown peat, composted bark, manure, mycorrhizae, green compost, 2 ornanic fertilizer (11/0/0 and 4/4/4) (bought it in a random garden center 5euro/20L)
- Desk lamp (eco 8W)
- Later, CFL 125W flowering

Here are photos from day 1 to day 10

As you can see i fucked up since the first day, by letting the rest of the seed on the cotyledons during 2 days, i finally putted it off on day3.
The first 3 days it was under the the desk lamp and maybe a bit behind my window i dont remember well. Then my baby was old enough to face real life, i putted it outside where it got some goods but also hard conditions : full sun during one week but very hot (28°C) and big wind so no surprise it got heat, then dry symptoms (not in the picture because as a good mom, i rescued it in time). One day it got lay down by wind but 3 more cm of soil to stabilise it were enought.

At day 13, i found out that my neighbors were a bit too curious so i instantly killed them brougth it back in my room + bad weather so it was only under the desk lamp during like 5 days, she was clearly in lack of light and the growth was slower

Photos are from day 12 to maybe day 22
I didnt count the days this time because i was not even sure to keep her. Finally i broke down and planned to buy a better lamp but since i'm lazy as fuck, like the owner of the growshop (opens like 3 days a week from 10am to 18pm, wtf my dude ?!) i did wait one week to buy it so the young white widow was on my roof during this time, and it was sunny but windy too so it fell again and was deshydrated which i think stopped the growth some time again but it was OK
By the way if you're wondering if i'm a 6yo kid or retarded, my english is just very bad (so maybe i'm retarded)

I cant upload more photos on this thread so ill continue this below in a few hours :) big things comming stay tuned


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"At day 13, i found out that my neighbors were a bit too curious so i instantly killed them brougth it back in my room "
You killed your neighbour?!?!?[emoji23]

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
Rolling_along not for now my frie nd, i give myself 20 years to become an "Heisenberg" :)

So i stopped at day 22, here are days 23 24 and 27

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It always had the same color but idk why it trolls me on photos

This was the last days of sunlight (i putted it under a roof window because i was at home so i could moove the pot to follow the sun all the day)
Then come the time for "indoor", just bought a CFL 125W for flowering (2700K) (i would have prefer a 6100K for the next 2 weeks but i had to make a choice) and a reflector
The setup is so shitty since it's not even in a tant or whatever, just in my room


I think it's going slower than it should be but it grow so it's cool, i was affraid she would stop because of the 2700K spectrum
Also, i used too much water and used a fertilizer which burned a few leaf tips and maybe slowed it a bit again (i promise ill try to not hurt her again :( )
Day 28 to day 32:

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The top leafs do not develop much but it grows 1-2cm a day (vertical) and all the new little leafs below develops fast (idk why, they are shadowed so i think it's dumb to focus on those ones but i wont judge, it's just a plant in the end)


The pistils came to the party 4-5 days ago and it starts to smells great, can't wait for my clothes to smell weed 100 meters around :D
This was my last photo for the moment, ill try to up it every week, thanks for the encouragements it's always cool and dont worry to tell me if something is wrong or if you have recommendations!
It started from curiosity and now it's a fucking passion, i spents hours to read articles and forums on growth, applications... and still do. Can't wait to harvest even if i got 10g, and do it again with other type of seeds (I'm very interested in white diesel haze (70% sativa), maybe someone has an opinion on this one ?)


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Good luck pal you seem to be plodding along the cfl lights are great for topping up if theres no sun but watch about bringing bugs in from outside if your going to keep bringing indoors .i have a couple outside myself this time of year in the uk
Good luck pal you seem to be plodding along the cfl lights are great for topping up if theres no sun but watch about bringing bugs in from outside if your going to keep bringing indoors .i have a couple outside myself this time of year in the uk
Thank's buddy! My house is the kingdom of spiders so other random bugs have a low life expectancy haha
Still, i kill like 10-15 of these bitches everyday, they fly around the plant and the soil.


This one seem to be holding a gun, i think a friend of him fcked his wife, but she's probably dead now anyway

To be serious, i heard about "little black flies" which lay larvaes in the soil which can be bad for roots system but i dont know if it's this specific one because it is about 1mm long so it's hard to see well, dou you know something about this ? I check every night to spot potential larvaes (which are supposed to be larger), still never saw one but everyday those little things are comming back
There little tiny things similar to fruit flys you get them if your media is soaking wet all the time i think you get them in flower i read you can put sand on top of your media to keep them at bay just don't overwater
Hi fellas! Today was such a beautiful day so i couldnt resist to put the young white widow outside, but just noticed some leaf tips became yellow! I saw something similar when i overwatered her and when i gave her nutes, but here i didn't do those mistakes again, so can heat/wind do this ? (it was like 28°C today)

And here is a photo taken this morning, she's reaching her 40 days soon :)

A last question, i noticed that she is expanding a lot vertically but not horizontally like at least 80% of the other plants i saw on the forum at the same time (which expend horizontally), i was convinced it was due to a lack of light but when she gets 60000 lux from the direct sunlight during 8 hours like today, she expends vertically even more (maybe 2-3cm today) so does it depend of the strain like ill get some sort of only big bud on the central stem or did i messed up somehow ?
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Little update today because it's amazing, her size and number of nods/leafs doubled in 4 days cant't believe it :D :D
I think she will start the flowering phase in the very next days, my lamp will finally find her utility :)


It smells so great especially when she sweats haha
She's not so big but at least looks healthy, that's all that matters to me <3, and i believe it will still grow a bit during flowering

See you soon :)