White spots on leaf? outdoor plant

I don’t believe that’s what leaf minors look like but not saying it isn’t some sort of pest. In my experience growing outside and even inside preventive maintenance is always a good thing. I’m not sure what’s available to you cause I believe your overseas from me but would suggest looking into some sort of pest/insect spray
yea first at all i bought some sticky traps. Unfortunately they didn't have any sort of spray or similar things to fix the issue directly, he said "people are just don't buying it". Well then I called a local garden master who suggested me to take them under a careful shower to wash the pesticides out, she also mentioned another method to make a 1:10 soap with water mix and spray it over the leaves. When I asked for neemoil, her reaction was like "why everybody is asking for neemoil? it's actually not that good for cannabis plants as people think". Well I think I'll try to shower the girls carefully, as water wouldn't be harmful in anyway. Of course I'll only shower the leaves without pushing all the water inside the pot. Let's see if I can get rid of them. At least I learned a lot about pesticides today which is very valueable to me. So my new growth which I blog about in the journal will get early preventive measure for that :)

Thanks @Lil Dab bro for your help.
yea first at all i bought some sticky traps. Unfortunately they didn't have any sort of spray or similar things to fix the issue directly, he said "people are just don't buying it". Well then I called a local garden master who suggested me to take them under a careful shower to wash the pesticides out, she also mentioned another method to make a 1:10 soap with water mix and spray it over the leaves. When I asked for neemoil, her reaction was like "why everybody is asking for neemoil? it's actually not that good for cannabis plants as people think". Well I think I'll try to shower the girls carefully, as water wouldn't be harmful in anyway. Of course I'll only shower the leaves without pushing all the water inside the pot. Let's see if I can get rid of them. At least I learned a lot about pesticides today which is very valueable to me. So my new growth which I blog about in the journal will get early preventive measure for that :)

Thanks @Lil Dab bro for your help.

Yeah I do know you need to be careful with neem oil I've never used it. I stick with insecticide soap or spinosad
Had a hard time to find some spinosad at the local stores around here. But I got BioBizz Leaf Coat and I bought a LED lamp, a ventilator and build a closet 2x1,2 meters into a grow paradise for my current project I'm blogging about in the journal section and I also started today to germinate my first photo (Critical Mass from RQS), as I now have the equipment and room for it. I'll make a new Journal for this in 2 days when the sproud comes. There I'll show you also how I built my own grow closet and what plans I have with the Critical plant :) So stay tuned guys
@Lil Dab this time I'll make a journal like you suggested it to me.. don't like this blogging system very much (it's ok but "KISS - keep it short and simple" is always better and more comfortable to me). See you soon guys :) I'm so fucking excited about this critical mass genetic, holy lord

oh damn forgot to mention, that I ordered spinosad online :p