New Grower White Label Genetics - Auto Dubai

Jan 18, 2019
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Im going to be doing things a little differently this round. I'll be building on what I've learned from my last grow and trying a few new things as well. Last grow was my first adventure into Living Soil and I have been reading a ton about that as well as Korean Natural Farming. Last grow, I was trying to build as close to a water-only soil as I could get. This worked well for the first two months, but the plants started showing issues about mid-way through flowering. I also used the papertowel method to start the seeds and transplanted the seedlings about two weeks in. I was also watering when the soil felt dry. I have learned that letting the soil dry out is really bad for microbial life, so this time around I will be doing more of a "feeding schedule". I've also added a mulch layer and cover crops, too. My routine this round is more labor intensive than last time, but I can already see a difference in the growth. Im roughly following the build-a-soil schedule ( On Sunday mornings, I start a batch of compost tea with EWC, molasses, yucca extract, and aloe vera powder. I also start soaking some barley seeds. The compost tea brews for 36 hours (using a Tim Wilson microbulator I built ) and is then given to the plants on Monday night. By Weds or Thurs the barley seeds have usually grown long enough tails to be blended up with some re-hydrated kelp, yucca and aloe powder for a sprouted seed tea. Once its all blended together, I mix in some homemade LAB and then water the plants with that. So, Mondays the ladies get compost tea and weds/thurs they get sprouted seed tea. During veg I will be using barley for the SST and during flower they will be getting a popcorn SST. Planning to add in some FFJ during flower as well. I skipped the paper towel method and transplanting this time around. After soaking the seeds for 12 hours, they were planted right into their forever home. I have also upgraded my light. Its the same design as the last one I built, except this one is good for 300W. So far, the additional work seems to be paying dividends. Hopefully the trend continues.


Started soaking the seeds on 2/19


2/25- ADP#1


2/28- ADP#1


2/28- ADP#2


2/28- ADP#3


3/11- ADP#1 before topping


3/11- ADP#1 being topped


3/11- ADP#2 She's got one more week to take off, or I'm pulling the plug
and starting a Dark Devil Auto from Sweet Seeds in her place.


3/11- Cover crop coming in. Its White Clover.


3/11- ADP [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]. She'll get topped in a couple more days.
Week 3 update. ADP#1 is doing amazing after being topped. ADP#2 is catching up, but she's gonna be a runt. At this point I've got a month worth of time invested in her, so I think I will let her be... I'm still on the fence, though. She's not strong enough to get topped like her sisters. ADP#3 is taller than her sisters and responding well to being topped. So far, no signs of them showing sex yet. I've read that this strain likes to veg a little longer than most autos. Plan to start LSTing ADP#1 and [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] today or tomorrow. Onto the picture show!


3/18- ADP#1 at one week after being topped. She's bushing out very well with super tight node spacing.
That's a seven gallon fabric pot that she is spilling out of.


3/18- ADP#2. Much improvement from last week.


3/18- ADP#3 at 5 days after being topped.

Compost Tea Brewing.jpg

Compost Tea Brewing in a Tim Wilson "Mini Microbulator". This thing is sweet because it doesnt
just bubble the tea, it constantly mixes everything up (including solids) while it aerates it. It pulls
from the bottom and dumps back in adding oxygen and "cycling" the whole batch.
Week 4 update. They are showing amazing growth (even the runt) and are responding well to training. It's incredible the difference between this run and my last one. These are off brand genetics, so I would like to think that adding weekly compost tea and seed sprout tea to my routine is making a difference, but the sample size is too small to know for sure yet. It's also possible that these genetics are bad ass and under rated. I guess I'll just have to grow more to know for sure. :biggrin: Speaking of seed sprout tea, with the anticipation of flowering soon I will be transitioning off of barley seed and into corn seed sprout tea this week. They will get both barley and corn mixed together in this week's SST and then next week it will be just corn from here on out. I was originally planning to cut down the two Sweet Nurse CBDs in the back and plant clover in them until the next run (like the middle one that had HBSS), but I think Im going to take out the unused pots to give these ladies more room. I've got a 50 gallon fabric pot im going to setup in here for the next run. Pretty stoked about that!


3/20- ADP#3 getting some LST


3/20- ADP#1 getting LST


3/26- ADP#1 filling out. This picture doesnt do her justice at all.
She's getting huge. The 7 gallon fabric pot has a 13" diameter.


3/26- ADP#2 AKA The Runt. She didnt get topped or LST.
She's all natural.


3/26- ADP [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] filling out. Shes not as bushy or symmetrical as her big sister,
but shes coming along quite well, I think.


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