Which way to go?

May 30, 2020
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This is my 1st grow ever and in a greenhouse. 2 x Auto Orange Bud from Dutch Passion and 1 x Auto Critical Orange Punch. Day 12 and all is going well (see pics). At the start my plan was to use this Compost mixed with Organic Chicken Manure Pellets, blood fish and bone powder and perlite. This mixture is already mixed in 20l pots and has been flushed a few times after I did a test with a young plant and it became scorched.
Have since invested in Biobizz Grow, Bloom,max as well as Shogun's Katana Roots and some 12l / 3 gal root pouches. Also picked up some Gold Label Hydrocorn and Coco 60/40 mix.

My question is should I stick with the soil mix, just use the 60/40 mix or a 70% soil + 30% 60/40. I'm not sure i'm setup for the 60/40 mix on it's own, any advise / links would be greatly appreciated.




Tricky question as it seems every grower has a medium and method that works for them.
I’ve only been growing a year, and had similar questions about what medium to grow in to start with. In my mind I wanted it to be as simple as possible so I didn’t have to mix different components to build a grow medium, and with no experience, I felt that growing in coco would require a lot of monitoring of ph/ppms going in and out, which I didn’t really understand at the time, and maybe needing to water more regularly than soil.
So I decided to buy a premade soil that was proven to not be too hot, and use a line of nutes to match. So I got some biobizz lightmix soil, a selection of their organic nutes and off I went on my growing adventure. A year later I’m still growing in lightmix, still using their nutes and have had successfully made it through all my grows with minor problems that the guys on here helped me figure out and fix (mainly issues down to feeding - either overdosing or under feeding nutes).
Now, a year on, I understand so much more about what I’m seeing on the leaves and growth, that I can spot some issues before they become a problem. And I think I’d have a better grasp of growing in coco if I chose to change mediums. But I’m happy in soil, I’ve learned how to manage things with it, so I don’t see any point in me taking a ‘risk’ and changing to something I’m not as familiar with.
Autos don’t give you much of a window to fix any issues (compared to a photo) so in my mind, start with a simple set up that’s easy to manage and use this first grow to learn about your plant - how to recognise what it needs etc. getting your environment dialled in.