Live Stoner Chat Which Vape are you guys using ?

I have a Dynavap also, the old style glass one. Going to get the M as this one looks like a crack pipe lol
Now I'm a fan of the Focusvape for sure, I own 2. However, I recently bought a Boudless CFX and damn! This thing produces vapor like a tabletop! I used it for a while at 380F. Recently I've experimented with lower temps and it still produces good vapor even at 350F!! I'm not a fan of high draw resistance, but I've modded it for a better draw and though still not what I like, I've gotten use to it. And I've no idea why, but this vape has the best tasting vapor I've ever had from a vaporizer. And I've owned most of the so called top vapes. It stomps both the crafty and the mighty. Pax? Pffff....... worst vape I ever owned! I'd buy another $29 Titan2 before I'd buy a Pax....
Its a bit large, like the mighty, but ohhhh so nice! If I need stealth for on the go, the its the Focusvape pro. The CFX has become my most used daily vape however. The CFX is the only vaped I've bought that's a match for the DaVinci Ascent for quality and makes even more vapor. And before anyone says anything about "plastic" best read up on medical grade "plastics" which are closer to ceramics than what we use to think of as plastic material. Medical grade plastics give off NO VOCs and impart no taste to vapor. Only on the very cheap vapes should you consider the materials in the build suspect.
I have a Dynavap also, the old style glass one. Going to get the M as this one looks like a crack pipe lol
yeah I wouldn't have bought the glass one just because of the looks...
not a fan of glass in a portable vaporizer at all btw, I'm also using my arizer air with a wooden stem from ed's tnt. got the air shortly after it came out, and in the time between when I got it and when ed had stems for sale(I think it was something like 2 months) I lost 2 glass stems. one I dropped myself, and another broke when I shared my air with someone at a bar and another friend of his hit him with a sweater and knocked the vaporizer out of his hand.

I bought the dynavap mostly because it's so cheap, thought it would be a nice vape to recommend to people looking for a vaporizer(everyone I talk to about it thinks vaporizers are too expensive, so sometimes they end up buying a cheap piece of crap that doesn't work well, turning them off vaping). so I bought it to try out to see if it's good enough to recommend, but I like it so much I now use it a lot.
Hey @pop22 thanks for recommending Boundless CFX. I have been curious about that one too, never got to buy it but I have to keep your recommendations in mind. The draw resistance is the only thing I would be worried about since my patient here has hard time to pull vape with force all the time. How did you mod it?

Also one thing that is important factor in vaporizers you intent to use a lot is how easy they are to clean and maintain. How have you found Boundless CFX been in that regard if you compare it to say like, Focusvape Pro? It has been really simple to clean after you get hang of it and I just love when you get to have your weekly (or semi-weekly) chores simple and easy.
I removed the stock screen and the capsule that holds it. The biggest restriction is actually the intake port on the bottom. I'm getting some Dremel drill bits and will open the holes just slightly. And with a little practice, drawing gently or sipping works well and will give a good amount of vapor. I can't see anyone not getting an acceptable hit with the boundless even stock. I have my Focusvape hitting almost like a pipe. I removed the ceramic filter and screen. I put a .375 screen under the tip, and one in the chamber. I also drop an 1/8" stainless steel nut on the screen so suction doesn't lift the screen against the bottom of the mouth piece. I'm replacing that with a stainless steel washer as soon as I measure the inside diameter of the chamber. I'll drill out the washer to have an almost unrestricted airpath. I may even make a kit with these. Several vapes could use this mod.

Hey @pop22 thanks for recommending Boundless CFX. I have been curious about that one too, never got to buy it but I have to keep your recommendations in mind. The draw resistance is the only thing I would be worried about since my patient here has hard time to pull vape with force all the time. How did you mod it?

Also one thing that is important factor in vaporizers you intent to use a lot is how easy they are to clean and maintain. How have you found Boundless CFX been in that regard if you compare it to say like, Focusvape Pro? It has been really simple to clean after you get hang of it and I just love when you get to have your weekly (or semi-weekly) chores simple and easy.
As to comparing with the Focus? I REALLY like the focus. That said, the boundless produces more vapor than any handheld I've ever used. The focus is not far behind though. The focus does get hot with 2 or more people using it, the boundless stays cool and works better at low temperatures. The focus is stealthier. I like them about equally.
My Da Buddha has been running 24 hours a day for 6 years she's awesome

My DaVinci IQ is efficient but to unreliable to recommend I have sent it in multiple times fir repair in under a year

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Is the upgrade from Flowermate V5 to Mighty worth it?
Looking for a portable "tasty" Vaporizer that doesn't get too hot and last a while.
All Steel / Low Plastic would be a nice addition.