New Grower Whens the next 16 OZ grow chalange?

Dec 17, 2012
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Its been a while sense I have been on here. You guys still do 16oz grow challenges? Its been about 2 years sense I have been able to get on here. When dose the next grow start and what are the rules as far as numbers of plants? I use regular seeds so I don't want to get dropped cuz my plant turned out to be a male hahaha.
Cool I have to get in on the next one then. Never thought of using a chip bag hahahaha awesome. I will have to watch this one.
So start a comp! people will join I've no doubt! If you have questions about doing one, pm Mossy.

Its been a while sense I have been on here. You guys still do 16oz grow challenges? Its been about 2 years sense I have been able to get on here. When dose the next grow start and what are the rules as far as numbers of plants? I use regular seeds so I don't want to get dropped cuz my plant turned out to be a male hahaha.
Don't have to wait to challenge yourself! If you set your mind to it and want it bad enough put a seed to soil and make it happen.
How bout a 16oz dry bud challange.. ;)