New Grower When to use rapid start by gh

Apr 16, 2015
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So gh schedule and on the bottle say 1st week for seedlings i can use this rapid start nutes. Is this wise i tnought u have to wait two weeks before even going for a light feeding to photoperiod plants or autos
Sorry I wasn't too clear I use Rapid start right from the beginning I actually pre charge my Coco with a little bit of Cal Mag and Rapid start. Then I keep the rapid start up for 2 or 3 weeks or until I see prr flowers.
My understanding is that Rapid Start is not really "nutes." Rather, it is just a root/plant growth stimulant or facilitator.

I use Roots Excelurator Gold from House & Gardens, after noting some impressive reviews here on AFN.
Ingredients listed as: ammonium nitrate and potassium hydroxide. I wonder if you just couldn't buy the dry powder and mixed that yourself. I noticed it costs about three times as much as rapid start by volume. But recommends about half the dose of Rapid start.
I find that Mycorrhizae that is in Promix Bx and a stand alone powder called Great White is all you need really for seedlings.. Just my opinion tho.