New Grower When to harvest autos? Your leaves will tell you.

One of the most frequently asked questions is how do I know when my autos are ready to pick? The convention wisdom from growing photo period plants was to watch for color change in the trichomes, or crystals. For an uplifting high, harvest when the trichomes are all cloudy, for more of a stone, wait till a percentage have turned amber. Sound advice, for photos. But autos are a little different. While some strains have shown amber trics, many do not.

So how do I know when they are ready? I watch the the fan leaves. Over the past several years of growing autos I started taking samples at various stages of growth to evaluate the high. I tend to prefer my smoke with a little stone so began to leave them longer than the 8-9 weeks that are advertised. I find that around 11-12 weeks the plants are ripe for me. I also began to see a correlation between the color of the fan leaves, the color of the trics and the high/stone quality of the smoke at the various sample intervals. It seemed that the greener the fan leaves, the more clear trics the buds had. As the fan leaves started to yellow and die off, the trics became less clear and more milky. By the time that all the fan leaves had died off and the bud leaves were starting to yellow, I got the quality of smoke I wanted. At that time most of the trics were now milky with no, or only a few, clear ones. Here are some examples:

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I've found this to be a very reliable method. It takes about 3 weeks for the fan leaves to die off. During that time the buds will continue to fatten up as the plant uses the energy stored in the fan leaves. So when I see my leaves start to yellow, I wait a week, then begin cleansing them. Two weeks later they will be well cleansed and read to harvest.

Of course there will be other factors such as genetics, lighting, nutrients, pot size, etc. that will effect how long a plant takes. But as a general guide for when to pick, just watch your leaves.

NOTE: If you have questions regarding your personal grow, please post them in the appropriate forum and not in this thread.
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Muddy, will this method work with plants n hydro too? Being my first grow I am getting nervous at this phase, I am at 66 days, I have three plants that seems to be in different stages of maturity, all nice and frosty, one with lots of red hairs, and on the top cola I am not seeing any new white hairs coming out, on this plant it does look like the leaves are starting to go a lighter green, but not yellow, another plant that has lots of red50-60% and still new white hairs coming out, and the other plant, that looks like it is now starting to go into the calyx swelling phase, maybe about 25-30% red hairs. I have checked the trichs on all of them and I think that I have seen one or two amber trichs, but nowhere near 30%, and all the plants have cloudy trichs, I am going to post some pics tonight, but I would like to hear your opinion on what I got goin on. Thanks for your help!
Yes, the same holds true no matter what method was used to grow them.

Post your other questions in your thread and I'll address them there.

Muddy, will this method work with plants n hydro too? Being my first grow I am getting nervous at this phase, I am at 66 days, I have three plants that seems to be in different stages of maturity, all nice and frosty, one with lots of red hairs, and on the top cola I am not seeing any new white hairs coming out, on this plant it does look like the leaves are starting to go a lighter green, but not yellow, another plant that has lots of red50-60% and still new white hairs coming out, and the other plant, that looks like it is now starting to go into the calyx swelling phase, maybe about 25-30% red hairs. I have checked the trichs on all of them and I think that I have seen one or two amber trichs, but nowhere near 30%, and all the plants have cloudy trichs, I am going to post some pics tonight, but I would like to hear your opinion on what I got goin on. Thanks for your help!
Total noob here
Thanks for very clear tips. Would love to see a guide similar to FD's, time permitting of course
Germing a couple femed Auto White Widows from nl-seeds.....any place to find a review on this strain?
Great walk through Muddy! I too like a heavier stone, so I would have short changed myself harvesting when the trichomes were half & half. Good to know man! This auto stuff is new to me... :thumbs:
I would suggest that you sample them as you go. Take a small bud at say, week 10, and see how you like it. Then another sample 4-5 days later, and so on. I do that often, especially if it's a strain I've not grown before.
Hey Muddy, Thanks for taking the time to share your wisdom. I have started a small grow for the specific purpose of attaining A higher level of CBD for chronic pain that initially got me inspired to use Herb for the first time in 30 yrs. I have tried to read as much as possible to grow some weed

that will give me some pain relief. The only information thus far I found falls along the lines that you have illistrated but your tutorial makes it that much clearer and the photos speak yards for how to go. I may have screwed up by trying far to many strains my 1st go around but WTF, no turning

back now. I am at 2 weeks with my first plants. 1. Barney's Pineapple Express, 2. Low Girl from Advanced, 3. Dinafen Diesel. 4. Dinafem La Diva.

My second attempt now 1 week and thriving are. 1. Barney's Little Cheese, 2.Barneys Auto Blue Mammoth. 3. Dinafem fruit Auto, 4.Dinafem Auto Cheese, Dutch Passion Twilight (Auto ?), 4. Afgan Ryder Kush (Auto). If you can help me out by checking out these strains ansd let me know

which one's have the grreatest potential for a more medicinal smoke I would really appreciate it . Thus far in spite of some late cool spring weather I'm batting 100% but my plants can use all the sun they can get which is right around the corner. Oh ya, this grow is totally outdoors using a small

4 bulb T5 system to give seedlings a little push. Once again thanks for sharing your photos, they speak volumns. Onward and Upward

