New Grower When to harvest autos? Your leaves will tell you.

One of the most frequently asked questions is how do I know when my autos are ready to pick? The convention wisdom from growing photo period plants was to watch for color change in the trichomes, or crystals. For an uplifting high, harvest when the trichomes are all cloudy, for more of a stone, wait till a percentage have turned amber. Sound advice, for photos. But autos are a little different. While some strains have shown amber trics, many do not.

So how do I know when they are ready? I watch the the fan leaves. Over the past several years of growing autos I started taking samples at various stages of growth to evaluate the high. I tend to prefer my smoke with a little stone so began to leave them longer than the 8-9 weeks that are advertised. I find that around 11-12 weeks the plants are ripe for me. I also began to see a correlation between the color of the fan leaves, the color of the trics and the high/stone quality of the smoke at the various sample intervals. It seemed that the greener the fan leaves, the more clear trics the buds had. As the fan leaves started to yellow and die off, the trics became less clear and more milky. By the time that all the fan leaves had died off and the bud leaves were starting to yellow, I got the quality of smoke I wanted. At that time most of the trics were now milky with no, or only a few, clear ones. Here are some examples:

AA 2.JPGAA 011.JPGOnyx and AA 014.jpgAA 1.JPG

I've found this to be a very reliable method. It takes about 3 weeks for the fan leaves to die off. During that time the buds will continue to fatten up as the plant uses the energy stored in the fan leaves. So when I see my leaves start to yellow, I wait a week, then begin cleansing them. Two weeks later they will be well cleansed and read to harvest.

Of course there will be other factors such as genetics, lighting, nutrients, pot size, etc. that will effect how long a plant takes. But as a general guide for when to pick, just watch your leaves.

NOTE: If you have questions regarding your personal grow, please post them in the appropriate forum and not in this thread.
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OK, so on my most recent harvest, I found this thread immensely helpful. That said, as i stare at this Dutch Passion Frisian Dew in my greenhouse, I find myself scratching my head. trichs are clouding up, pistils are all red (know that is not a good indicator), but the leaves are bright green, with no sign of yellowing.

Any thoughts, input? PerhapsI should just cut a sample and give her a vape taste?!

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Beautiful colors dude!
I go 75 to 80 days for most of my autos. My Euforia went 85 days before it shows amber trics. I haven't had an auto yet that didn't show amber trics.

Buddha Syrup pulled 7.9oz dry buds after 75 days or so.

Ultimate went a bit longer and pulled 6.3oz dry.
Autoflowering harvest theories.

Autoflowering cannabis varieties are now just as popular as traditional photoperiod cannabis varieties and some growers have their own theories about harvesting. Some growers prefer to judge the harvest point by the leaves, when the leaves start to fade from green to yellow they feel this is the signal to harvest the cannabis buds. Many auto growers feel that there are significant extra harvest quantities available if the plants can be left longer, so we often see auto growers leaving their plants for an extra week or two beyond the normal harvest date. Some auto growers routinely leave their plants longer than the normal 10-11 weeks simply to get bigger harvests of heavy-hitting cannabis. However the idea of harvesting your plants according to leaf colour is not a 100% reliable method since many growers use Nitrogen rich feeds all the way through growth which can keep the fan leaves greener than nature intended. So you will need to use your own judgement and experience in addition to your eyes.
I just want make sure I got this right it will yellow with out pulling neut N how long is to long if they stay green past 13weeks
If you go heavy on nitrogen, they're going to stay green but the plant will still use them to bloom during peak flower. They usually just brown out. The trick is to recognize what the last stages of a plants life looks like; rapid use of fan leaves and colas visibly bulking up is the sign of peak flower. This process last 2-3 weeks, so you know you're 2-3 weeks away from late flower a.k.a harvest time.

Now, does it matter exactly the date? In the big picture, not really. You can track the development of trichomes with a loupe and all that, but by the time 2-3 weeks are over, it's either in late flower or about to exit. The problem is usually people harvesting early because of the dates on the seed packets.
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I'm at day 73 on a royal queen white widow auto. Most trichs are cloudy with maybe 10% amber. Breeder says 75 days. This is my first time and i don't want to pull early. Leave tips are starting to yellow but leaves are still really green. I flushed once and started just plain water for about the last 10 days now. Any input would be appreciated.
In those photos looks like you're using pretty small pots. As far as I know, the bigger pots, the better.
Autoflowering harvest theories.

Autoflowering cannabis varieties are now just as popular as traditional photoperiod cannabis varieties and some growers have their own theories about harvesting. Some growers prefer to judge the harvest point by the leaves, when the leaves start to fade from green to yellow they feel this is the signal to harvest the cannabis buds. Many auto growers feel that there are significant extra harvest quantities available if the plants can be left longer, so we often see auto growers leaving their plants for an extra week or two beyond the normal harvest date. Some auto growers routinely leave their plants longer than the normal 10-11 weeks simply to get bigger harvests of heavy-hitting cannabis. However the idea of harvesting your plants according to leaf colour is not a 100% reliable method since many growers use Nitrogen rich feeds all the way through growth which can keep the fan leaves greener than nature intended. So you will need to use your own judgement and experience in addition to your eyes.

Excellent summary. I used to swear by leaf colour but since I've been using BioBizz Fish Mix, even letting them have extra weeks I often have plants that are still very green leaved but with very full harvestable buds. I basically just plan on roughly 3 months from seed to chop and game on!

