Grow Mediums When do you start feeding nutes in Coco and how much?

Tell me about it.
And I'm away from home 5 days out of 7, so I leave my babies in my wifes care.
She's a nurse, great with folks, terrible with plants.
So I taught her how to prepare the nutes on Tuesday to keep feeding while I'm away.
So going to an automatic feeding system is the next step .
Which I why I want to start learning and getting equiped to do coco.
The investment in equipment for a drip system isn't cheap as I'm fast learning.
But if the investment returns better results and keeps the wife away from the plants, it may well be worth it.

Heres a picture of my 2nd trial at Ruderalis Indicas starting in the solos. Filled with Sunshine4.
Their sitting pretty under blurples for the time being to avoid stretching until they get transfered to the tent with QB boards.
Between the blurples and the heating pad (2x4), they're keep at 26c in the dome, rh is 50-60%.
With winter and electric heating, I have 2 humidifiers running night and day. RH in the house never gets above 44%
Once more mature, I wanna put them into coco for veg & flower.
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It will depend on your pot size, pot material, and whether it’s pure coco or cut with perlite/pebbles.

Here’s my week 1 method:
- Precharge coco with mild nutes + calmag 2 days before dropping seeds.
- Drop seed into coco 1/4”-1/2” down and lightly cover with coco.
- Put a humidity dome over seed, and mist coco once a day.
- Keep your temps above 80°f and humidity around 60-65%
- Usually 48hrs after seed drop you will have a seedling.
- Remove humidity dome to let it breathe.
- I only use RO water with 150ppm of cal mag for the first 7 days or so. Usually day 2-3, and 5-6 I give them abit (depends on your pot size). Don’t soak your pots for the first few days, let the plant get it’s roots under her first.
-Day 7-8 start fertigating with your nutes everyday
- I make sure to start getting 15-20% runoff by week 2-3.

Fairly vague I know, but there’s no cookie cutter one and done amount to feed in the beginning, theres just too many variables.

Good info GG. Do you use 500 or 700 scale for ppm?