When do you start counting flowering weeks???


It's all in the wrist ;')
Nov 12, 2020
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Hi everyone,

A very simple question:

When do you start counting your flowering weeks?

Is it the moment you change your light schedules to 12/12? (Photoperiod)

Or when you notice white pistils?

Or any other time?
Flowering clock starts with the flip for Photoperiod plants It is more arbitrary for autos. I count from the transition week when I give the girls a kick in the PKs :pass:
Hi everyone,

A very simple question:

When do you start counting your flowering weeks?

Is it the moment you change your light schedules to 12/12? (Photoperiod)

Or when you notice white pistils?

Or any other time?
I count from the day I see the first sign of flowering. Not from the day that I flip the light switch to 12/12. But when she shows her flower's, I'm usually right 98% of the time to be with in the harvest window of what most breeder's call for their genetics. Usually at 10 to 20% amber.
Happy growing
I count when I flip to 12
Photo you count day 1 of flower as day one on 12/12.
Autos we count from the beginning since we don't flip anything.
I'm trying to figure out the stage of my plants. What are the benchmarks for autos?
I'm trying to figure out the stage of my plants. What are the benchmarks for autos?
For auto's there really isn't much veg time, so I'm not sure you could set bencmarks. Like a top fuel car when the tree goes green it's a fast race to the end. Only done auto's once so far but had some white pistils in 3rd week. How much was seedling stage and how much veg I couldn't really say.
Here is a link to a good auto grow stage guide.

I'm trying to figure out the stage of my plants. What are the benchmarks for autos?
Given each strain is different, there is no real way to mark them like photos.
Germination. Covers from soak to first true leaves.
Seedling & veg get squozed together on autos, I would consider seedling stage done at about the 3rd or 4th node.
Vegetation from there till sexing.
Sexing usually 3rd or 4th week
Flowering 4th or 5th week.

Veg nutes till I see puffballs, then the swap to flowering nutes.
I make a note of when a plant germs. Move all autos and photos to a flower tent at three weeks. Then it's done when it's done.

When ya do it for a couple of decades, while burning all evidence, it kinda becomes a blur.