When And How Often To Use Teas?

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Just remember one thing, a Living soil organic grow is really simple in execution with actual growing. Now that's based on if you did your prep properly. You can grow canna quite well with a few simple products and ingredients, but it does take time before you plant a seed. That can't be overemphasized too much.
I'm nowhere near where I want to be in my program and methods. I'm still adapting to container growing. I use my past experiences in gardening and try to adapt it to growing canna, along with the vast knowledge here. I will get there. It will just take time. LOL!
Dont 'get caught up in all the amendments available at Build A Soil. There's a ton of them there! LOL!
The one thing you might do, if you have a place to store a couple good size totes. You could try their water only mix for your next grow. In the mean time, while that grow is ongoing, you could be cooking your next grows media. I'm quite sure Jeremy could direct you to something simple and effective.
If you have the space, I would also start a worm bin. My current one is in my laundry room and is made from two totes, 5 bricks and some hot glued window screen. Less than $30! Plain simple potting soil for the worms to do their work in. I got my worms locally,
Online https://unclejimswormfarm.com/order-stuff/composting-worms/

You're in the best place in the world to learn how to grow canna, no matter what method you choose to use!