Extraction What's your favorite way to make hash/ oil?

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Excellent read - Thank you very much.
Thank you very much I'm trying this next week! +rep to both you and bailer

This is a post from Bailer I have saved. I've used it to make Hash - the only difference is I use Everclear 191 or Graves Grain 191 as opposed to ISO.


Hey fellas. Here is my Cold Extraction method. This is how you get what has been called Amber, Cherry, Honey Oil. It's the highest quality extraction method i have found. You keep the terps intact and don't get as much of that ISO taste in the end product.

Extraction and hash is how i used to earn my keep at a time. So i have had the pleasure to hone my skills. I want to share with you what i call the best ISO extraction method.

First. Before anything!!
Use ONLY GLASS! Anything metal will shed material into your solution, we don't want metals in the smoke do we?

Before you even start the process.

Put your ISO in the freezer, i let mine sit in there a minimum of 4 hours. You want the alcohol to look thick when it pours. Or more viscus. The idea of the cold ISO is to shock the plant matter when it hits it, So the only thing that gets released into the ISO are the trichs from our buds.

The material. You want the highest grade material you can find. Shit in = shit out, just more refined shit. For example the trim and buds from "big bud" are going to make a lesser quality oil than an OG kush, or any other big name brand of pot.
I keep the scraps from rolling joints and innar stems from buds, and only sugar leaves from trimming. Big fans/stems get put into the compost.

Next, DO NOT, bust up or crush or make your material into powder. You will do nothing but pull ALL the chlorophyll from the material, giving yourself "Green oil" Which we don't want, we want that amber goodness.


Next, after you have poured in your chilled ISO. Let it sit no more than a hour. Only a few minutes is ideal, however if you do feel the need to let it sit. Put your jar back into the freezer, it will slow the extraction of chlorophyll. Again don't let your mix sit long, the longer you let it sit the more green and dark it will get. Which are nothing more than impurities.

The condensation tells you how cold this is. I let it sit out in -24'c for a hour.

Next, extraction of our ISO from the mix. I use one single bounty sheet. You want it to pour fairly fast, once the ISO starts to heat up you will pull out the "greens" much much faster. Degrading your quality. You also want to clean your pyrex glass bowl with some ISO and some bounty. Clean in - clean out.


This is what you are left with. I don't squeeze out my material, as i am not trying to get the greens. I only want the THC glands themselves. You will also at this stage have an idea of what quality you produced. The redder the better the greener and darker the lesser the quality. Don't fret if your ISO solution isn't very red, and is sort of clear. This means you have pulled only the heads from the THC glands. You are in for a ride, this oil is the utmost highest quality. Often times it will dry up to a blood red color.
You do NOT want to boil off the ISO. Let it sit in a dark place or under a fan.


Three or four days under a fan will net you this result. If you can't read a paper through it you need to cool the iso more or lessen the time you let your mix sit before you extract the ISO.
You can scrape it up and ball it at this point or you can put it into vials for long term storage. If you have not boiled it or exposed your ISO to heat. You will have extracted the terps intact, and your Amber won't taste like ISO you will taste the buds you used for your amber material.

Cold is the key!


I started with about a quarter pound of scraps. I got around 10/12 grams of the purest of the pure!!! This is high dollar stuff right here.

I will also add, if you are the type of person that thinks you wasted THC with a quick wash, pour some ISO back into your material let it sit a few days. You will get some "oil" but there is little to no THC left in it. Your basically smoking impurities.
well, i just tried it think i screwed it up somehow though. after straining i ended up being able to scrape like 2 grams of some seriously high grade hash off my cheesecloth. my alcohol is evaporating but has little to no color. I know its supposed to be clear to amber maybe im just jumping to conclusions because i dont see anything. I used 99% iso. 1 gallon 6oz of fresh frozen bud and 1 oz of dry so i should be pulling something. guess ill have to wait and see what happens
okay well I must say I'm Very very impressed. I'm all warm tingly got that warm fuzzy feeling inside. For some reason blinking is quite interesting at the moment haha. My senses have been intensified. Sound and touch. My oil finished a very nice Amber/Red color and it is super yummy. I netted only 10 grams but like I said... WOW I'm on cloud 9


+rep to bailer for the recipe and whatsgoodie for posting. I wouldnt be where i am today if it wasnt for you :D

:peace: BeaverG