Indoor whats up with these babies?

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heya guys, this is my 1st grow.
Have I overwatered them? They are week old, each under 1x30w cfl (6500k), computer fan blowing on them, temperature all the time is around 77, and humidity around 50%, never been under 47% and never over 60%.
They are in garden soil which has NPK of 14-10-14 and ph 6.2.

They are in those little 8cm jiffy pots, I have been giving them 50ml water each morning and evening. And then one day i decided to give them 100ml in morning and evening, is this too much or what?


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you compost was slightly to hot is my guess i would have cut it with seedling compost also blowing the fan on them is drying them out
my friend is also growing in this soil and everything is fine with him, i don't think it's soil, because guys at growshop here where i live sold this soil, i think they know what they're doin.
seedlings do not need any food at the begining, fertilised compost can do exactly what you are seeing, sometimes it's best to mix yer compost right down with perlite if it is quite hot. Just pot yer girls up and mix a lot of perlite through the compost, maybe 50/50. This means it will dry out quite quickly as well, but that means you can water every day without worrying too much about over watering.
those peat pot do suck out the moistiure quick tbh they look dehydrated for me. some strains can take more nutes and others. Seedlings do require NPK in the compost just very little for the first week thats why i plant in a cube first
I haven't seen very many good seedlings in those jiffy pots. I swear they mess with the PH or some thing.

Your buddy is using the same pots? Beer cups work wonders too :D

I wouldn't get too crazy about the amount you give them, to the ml ect. I had a friend who was told by some one on youtube to water his haze plant only a few cups per day.. He took the advice and it dried up and died.

If the soil is dry pots are light it needs water. If it looks wet no need for water. When you are watering run off is a good thing.
I haven't seen very many good seedlings in those jiffy pots. I swear they mess with the PH or some thing.

Your buddy is using the same pots? Beer cups work wonders too :D

I wouldn't get too crazy about the amount you give them, to the ml ect. I had a friend who was told by some one on youtube to water his haze plant only a few cups per day.. He took the advice and it dried up and died.

If the soil is dry pots are light it needs water. If it looks wet no need for water. When you are watering run off is a good thing.
Hello there, yep my friend is growing in same jiffy pots, he had a problem because he started to grow in before used soil :) then i gave him this soil, he transplanted and it's going smooth now.
Now I start to think it's under watering, when I gonna wake up I will see, gonna inform you, thx for reply.
And about run-off, yesterday i cut holes in those jiffy pot bottoms, and today I watered till the first run-off. So maybe I will be lucky and see those live :)
thx again guys!
i agree bailer jiffy pots don't do very good i used to use them but not anymore lost so many seedlings due to them