New Grower What water do you use

What water do you use

  • Straight Tap water

    Votes: 13 27.1%
  • Tap water dechlorinated

    Votes: 9 18.8%
  • RO water

    Votes: 12 25.0%
  • other

    Votes: 14 29.2%

  • Total voters
WOW 88 view's and only 13 people cast a vote for the water that they use.
I thought I would get more responses than that. :jointman:
I use Ro water purchased at a local site for $.25 per gallon .... A friend in NY uses tap water which for him is water from his well ... he has amazing luck w/ his tap/well water ... he does not own a ph meter and he grows some nice plants ... he lives near the Dolomite lime quarry ...

Spring Water Grown ...
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A friend grew it ... She's a Nirvana Blue Mystic that produced about 4 ozs using Nirvana Soil & Flower tabs ... :vibe:

I would love to have good spring water available to me ... :toke:
Started with distilled water but then began using filtered reverse osmosis H2O.
Our area has water issues so most towns have a self service place where you can buy water at .25 a gallon. I still test and PH it though. The water from places like walmart and local grocery stores are treated like municipal systems so I stay away from that stuff..
I'll be using tap but I'd like to know what folks are doing about chloromine. From what I understand chloromine doesn't evaporate and I can still smell it after two days of sitting. Wi'll chloromine harm beneficial bacteria?
Tap water in DWC, plants loves it. Always pre-aerating it before use separately for at least 24h. This helps to stabilize ph and makes chlorine go completely out.
Tap water for me that's left for minimum 24hrs,our water in Central Scotland is amongst the best tap water on the planet so I'm lucky in that respect