New Grower What should i do?

Plant 1 and 2
The light i got is too small for both plant since they are leaning to get light. So im doubling up on lights
I just broke the #1 rule of AF. I transplant. Into a new 5g bucket. It had to be done. Im going to leave the soil dry so the roots can start stretching out. Scared i put to much shock on them tho... will it be okay ?
I just broke the #1 rule of AF. I transplant. Into a new 5g bucket. It had to be done. Im going to leave the soil dry so the roots can start stretching out. Scared i put to much shock on them tho... will it be okay ? View attachment 580844
Ya done good !! Give it some b vitamins if your worried about stress or shock.. If u caught it before it was root bound your good.. If it was .. Add a week or 2 maybe time will tell...
My woman just kicked the shit outta my girl and she pulled threw, just messed the life span right up... Almost on 100 days and it looks like it back to stacking..
Ya done good !! Give it some b vitamins if your worried about stress or shock.. If u caught it before it was root bound your good.. If it was .. Add a week or 2 maybe time will tell...
My woman just kicked the shit outta my girl and she pulled threw, just messed the life span right up... Almost on 100 days and it looks like it back to stacking..

Describe root bound. Because my soil wasn't so dry, i had to cut off about the last quarter of roots.
Trimming your roots in soil?
Care to explain...
Id make sure u give it them b vitamins or anything you may have found to stimulate root growth.
Aloe would be one.. But get tha b complex in her lol ultimate Shiz for plant stress
And always wanna have wet soil to transplant in And have the transplanteee dry ( wont crumble apart on ya, did that happen?) make sense? You can put in then water but I find a thirsty plant put in wet soil does real good.