Indoor What is your nutrient cost?

The Medicine Man

Head Hydro Honcho
May 29, 2011
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Hey all

So, I'm doing a bit more research and was wondering what people pay in nutrients per ounce of medicine. For example, you spend X amount of dollars to get Y ounces of finished medicine. You would say...

Y / X = Cost per ounce in nutrients

If you buy your water and can include that, that's fine, but if not, no biggie. I don't pay for water here except maybe $.0002 per gallon in the electric costs to run my house filtration/aeration system... yea, my whole house water gets aerated.

No need to state the amount of ounces you're bringing in per harvest if you don't want to. I know some would rather not talk about whole harvest #'s if they're on the larger side of things.

So... what's your medicine cost you in nutrients? Lights are a different beast, I only wanna know nute cost right now.

as near as i can figure..
i bought Fox Farms GB,TB,+ BB
for 40$ us
feeding according to FD s fert schedule
there is probly 8 auto grows per bottle
so...5$ us per grow..
with the yield expected to be over 3 ounces

2$ us per answer
I'm on my second grow using 1 qt. bottles of GH Biothrive Grow, Marine, Bloom plus a bottle of Diamond Nector, about $60 total, plus small amounts of blood, bone and kelp meal and of a couple other things, so about a total of $80. That should be enough for 3 full grows, a total of around 40 oz +. So about $2.00 per oz., give or take. I just ordered the new AN pH Perfect nutes yesterday, the same ones that Jackal is using to grow those monsters, and they were about double the cost of the GH. If I can get the same kind of yields he is getting it should still keep the costs around the same.
im trying to keep costs down, so im using the free organic alterantives, keep in mind they had transplant shock i got 42g from 2 plants
Cool. I'm at just about .36/oz myself. Thanks to commercial hydro nutrients!
plant magics organic range. 50 quid does me three grows, 15-20 ounce per grow. so £1 - 1.25ish an ounce :)