Day 63
Hi all,
I hope this finds everyone in top form. My lady will be ready just in time for the euros.
Im not a big football fan, but I do enjoy the internationals especially with a good smoke. It’s amazing how many sports I can only watch after a smoke.
Baseball is a good stoner sport I think. It’s not the quickest game in the world to watch. Darts is always quality to watch after a smoke.
I have recently discovered the MAME programme. So i am reliving some great child hood games. Currently hooked on Defender (again)
No real news had a bit of drama on Tuesday morning. I checked her Monday night and seemed good. I picked her up and she felt ok, not too light. Tuesday Morning i checked her before I was leaving the house for work and she was as light as a feather and looked very droopy and sad.
I normally take a long time feeding her, getting the water and nutes just right. ( as right i can with what i have ) But i had thirty mins to catch the coach.
I had to feed her, couldn’t leave her like that for another twelve hours. I had ten mins to feed her, it was very annoying and the PH was way off.
I seriously felt robbed that day. I like that time I get to spend with her, Sounds daft I know, but I love the interaction with the plant, The checking and making sure everything is as good as I can make it.
So enough waffle. Here are some close ups from this morning.

PS. You will have to excuse this post. Friend of mine dropped off the makings this morning and I have the house to myself so i thought...” ll have a smoke a have a bit of a waffle on AFN. “