Indoor Wetwoods dwc [northernlights + bigbud - Complete ] - [ thc auto bomb OnGoing]

Hey guys wow its warm today.
And thought id show off my thc bomb roots.

That's just wild that you can just pick it up and see what's going on! I'll never get over the fact that it's 100% in water haha
i really love it bud, so much freedom and any issues i pick it up and plop it into a different container of ph'd water :D
Yeah... Seriously. I'm starting to not like the soil because of lack of control, but hydro demands a lot of attention, which sometimes I lack the ability to give. Like you said you can just move it, but of you don't see the issues in time... Things can go south really fast
Thinking coco in the future for myself. Best of both worlds :smoking:
I need that bucket you got!
I cant even lift my netpot 1 handed anymore to get a pic, the rootmass just wont stop!
Here you Go baked this is what i use, select the 24 ltrs, or GO BIGGER! ;)

They are really great quality, i mean i have drilled a huge 8" hole in mine and its solid doesnt move even with those big plants. recycled plastic aswell! win win

Yeah... Seriously. I'm starting to not like the soil because of lack of control, but hydro demands a lot of attention, which sometimes I lack the ability to give. Like you said you can just move it, but of you don't see the issues in time... Things can go south really fast
Ma dude i can leave my plants for 2-3 days no issues without having to ph my water. just bring it right down to 5.8 (5.7 if you dare) so few days isnt a big problem. a week tho mmm could be issues.

Thinking coco in the future for myself. Best of both worlds :smoking:
Its Coco cubes i use, jiffy best on market - personally sell them.
Here you Go baked this is what i use, select the 24 ltrs, or GO BIGGER! ;)

Ma dude i can leave my plants for 2-3 days no issues without having to ph my water. just bring it right down to 5.8 (5.7 if you dare) so few days isnt a big problem. a week tho mmm could be issues.

Its Coco cubes i use, jiffy best on market - personally sell them.
Say what about coco cubes? I am still a novice in the terms... I was referencing using coco coir instead of soil. Where I get to feed like hydro, but not as intense as hydro though