Fast Buds West Coast OG and Fastberry

@Herbisaur yeah I thought about doing the lights that way but my cab is like 14 x 30 in and I couldn't think of a good configuration for them in that space. Also, I feel like I need to address odor control soon. Do you think ona would do the trick or would I have to have a carbon filter? If I need a filter it would have to be a small diy one. I've also considered moving them outdoors to finish flowering. And I'll definitely check out your grow man!
@Colonel man that's a tiny little space! This is going to be fun to watch I love micro grows. I don't think ona is appropriate to share air with your plants. Whether you have it in the cab or even outside the cab I think it'll effect the taste/smell of your herb. Even if it's outside your cab it'll still be coming in through the intake. I'm only on my second grow and for my first I didn't need odor control because I was exhausting into my attic. So I don't have any experience with odor control, but @Fuggzy posted a great diy carbon filter w/ pictures in my first grow thread its at the bottom of the first page. I never ended up making it but if I need one this round that's what I'll do.
Hi man, how it going? I'm pretty familiar with growing in small spaces. I have a cab the is 11" x13" for 143 sq inches. I run 4 plants at a time in it, lol although the below pic is only 3, 1 went beast mode on me. What is the vertical height of the cab?

A few ideas for the light would to go with that @Herbisaur said, and on the sides of the cab you could put a series of screws going up the wall. Most power strips have notches/screw holes in the back so they can be hung. By doing this you could move the light up as the plant grow.

You could take a piece of thin plywood (~12' x24") and attach the lights to it, and then use it as a false roof. You could use chains/rope/ratchet hangers to raise the lights.

If you are going to mount the lights horizontally I would make sure the roof is reflective. The sideways bulb will only be giving 50% of it's power in direct light. The rest needs to be reflected back down as much as you can. If it is already painted white I would not worry much.

Do you plant on running 2 pots in general? You could take 2 power strips and zip tie them together, back to back. Maybe put a piece of wood between them and use that to hang it. Use 2 socket splitters (Y) and get 6 lights total per light bar. (each side would use 1 splitter, and 1 socket plug for 3 lights)Then hang it horizontally above a pot. (make 2 total, 4 power strips, 8 socket/plug adapters, 4 splitters, 12 cfl) If you did something like this I would just use low wattage cfl. Using 23w cfl would give you 276w. It would get hot, but if well ventilated you should be okay. That does depend the cubic size of the cab though.

With the small space the best thing you can do is try and keep the canopy even. If you are able to do that you will be able to get the lights closer, and allow the plant take up more light. If the plants are untrained, you'll get the typical apex cola, and it will be taller than the rest of the plant. Have you read anything about using LST yet? A good place to read for idea would be in PC grows. Most times those plants are almost grown sideways to save on height.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. Till later, take care.
I just read my comment and noticed a mistake....
Use 2 socket splitters (Y) and get 6 lights total per light bar.
You would not need the splitters, just socket plugs. 3 per strip.

Also I use LED cobs in my cab, not cfl, so I'm just throwing out some ideas. I have used them to veg in a tent before, and had good results. There may be better suggestions out there, but I hope it helps.
Ona gel is fine outside the cab . As it's all natural ingredients there's nothing to worry about. It's never had a negative impact in my experience.

Goodluck with the gardening
@Fuggzy my cab is 29.5 x 15 x 33.5 inches, giving me 442.5 square inches of canopy space and 8.6 cubic feet of volume. I am using two five gallon pots with the edges folded down to make them approximately 3 gallon pots. I did this to have the base short and wide instead of tall. The pots take up about 6 inches of my height. My light setup, when using the large 42 watt bulbs takes up about 12 inches of height, leaving me with 15 inches of vertical space. I considered the power strip option but couldn't seem to make it work in my head. I figured with this setup maybe the plants could grow like around and between the larger lights but maybe I'm wrong.

I did tons of research before building this cab, my goal here was to do the best I could with the least amount of resources invested as I only plan on using this for a grow or two and then I will have to stop for a while. Between those two grows and an outdoor run I should get enough to supply me for about a year I'm hoping. Anyway, here's a pic of my whole setup (I know it's sideways but I couldn't get it all to fit the other way, sorry):

I definitely plan on training them; I'm going to be building and installing a SCROG in the next couple of days to keep the canopy low and even. Speaking of, how large should the individual squares be? I was thinking an inch and a half or two inches.

I really appreciate your input. I know there are some inefficiencies in my design but I'm just trying to do the most I can with as little as possible. If I could get just around an oz per plant from these indoor runs I would be happy. Plus if things get way out of hand and my cab gets overgrown by some monsters I can likely move them outside by that time, as temperatures will have risen a bit.

Edit: forgot to mention, those were some beautiful plants!! And yes my cab is already painted white, but the can was mislabeled and it's kind of off white. Oh well.
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@Nabzter when you used it you didn't notice any smell or taste from the ona sticking to your buds? My cab is in a deep corner of my basement, if I got some ona I'd probably just put a bit around the basement in a few spots. I'm just not sure if I'll be able to make a filter work with my pc fan exhaust.