Indoor WELCOME toDA Swamp!!!!!

Yep thanks bud man I wish I coulda done more for the little Guy but man where I live there is millions of them if I get another chance which I've found them a lot bit dead and way to little ...atleast I can do better I'm all set as a squirrel parent!!!!!

But I'm way more happier I found my JET 47 LOL ....

This is what i was laugthing at you saying you was "way more happier i found my JET47 LOL":crying::crying:

now that i looked at it again im not sure if i even know what im going on about ive been smoking a phat blunt for the past 1hr my bad:peace: Si
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Dude its all good I have a ritual of spending time with ma babies like I just did ....I roll a fatty of the nasty stuff at the bottom that got all clustered was terrible liking but it let it get completely crispy on the stalk from my BR4 ....DUDE FUCKING killer ma ya say Duhhhh!!!!! I'm using that soil again

BIOMAX Seaweed compost

then I am layering it with rocks at bottom ...masked up peach tree leaves and twigs the roots bag meal uprising grow then fresh cut grass, rocks grass coco mixture rocks grass coco to top off ....spraying it with Neem Oil ...and gonna try to push completely the new Seagrow Products I added

The other pot just like it will be layer the same but my compost water only
And use plain water only and a bloom enhancer ...

1 uses honey as Carb and agave nectar ...sort of on tract for biodynamic
1 usher blackstrap molasses and old seagrow products same lighting

The pots are 2.5 l seedling pots and they will tier outta solo cups

Either 2 cobras or
2 feelgood

But a project is underway hopefully I have made tons of better decisions ....also gonna ru. PROMIX LATER IN THE RUN FOR A SEEDOR 2!!!!
And yes I'm fricken stoked on the JET 47 the only thing I really wanted outta all these now all I need is ma baby to be female .....
ladies porn

Here's the ladies hopefully
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Si here's the multipot ....biggest is a cobra the left is a Magic and a Santa 2 grouped together by accident seeds placed 2 in apart the another Santa and to the far left is my tiny Jet 47 ...In the void to the left was 2 Santa's . Cobras....
View attachment 124801

Disregard the bottom 2

Top 2 left to right is MI-5 THEN the Dr feelgood. ....

Well now I CNN post pics from the phone I downloaded and spent two al day doing g this so I can post pics ...sorry that's all I got and will Uve a real camera from time to time hope YALL enjoy fellas
looking good mate nice multipot going there, But ive always been confused by multipots what is the purpose do you leave them in together untill harvest?
@SI ....ALOT OF people do multipots for breeding and just pic out the phenos u want and keep the babies coming .......
My dream is to have a multipot look like a crayon Box with all differnrt colors .....

I also had 2 cobras and 2 Santa's didn't make it we will see how that foes bout to shoot away at some more pics
awww look at that little coliflower head, how cute
Soaked 1 feelgood cracked in dirt nap ....
Soaked 3 clbras 2 have serious tap roots .....I left
And APl k has been introducesd to my Berry Ryder thread ....oh I'm in heaven

stitch if ya decide to visit again anytime soon ....I need some helpful tips on the feelgood this seeking born on 8-24 is stunted bad ...she's pathetic still living but man I have all seedling in same dirt and now she's going down ...

Diets Ph perfect. 6.5 ...all seeding are doing well but them now
..Santa's improved tremendous ...but she is squat ill take a pic tomorrow and show ya the comparison so I know its not the dirt ....its the seed stock!!!!! ...