Indoor WELCOME toDA Swamp!!!!!

So Unholy what DD he eat man he sucks down the almond milk and paste I make him a shake
..feed with a dropper and he is doing OK today he messed his bed and come when he hears me up ......the squeaking is so funny bro ......I had a flying.g squirrel as well I can't wait to see if he truely make it ...setting g up a old bird cage for when he gets frisky later ....

1 Cobra really showing action loving g it all my other babies ate Justine loving g the new do for growth ....few more weeks an ill ha e some sexy ladies ....Baby squirrel and bud karma needs d
I would feed mine the animal baby formal with the tiny baby bottles that you can pick up @ most any good pet store or vet. just dont tell them its for a babe squirrel, they kinda frown on that being a non domesticated animal. they loved any cereal that had nuts in it. mix an 1/8 tsp of the brown karo syrup to 12oz of water or formal. Anywhere you can find fresh pecans of course. Crack and chop them up. Then when they get teen to adult watch your chips, Doritos, and stuff like that. they ever get in a bag they turn into a little raging teeth filled monsters and will fight you to the end for a nacho cheese or cool ranch Dorito you can find a lot on google about raising them. how they act when sick or if their blood sugar gets low (brown karo syrup) :wiz:grow karma all around for plants and baby my friend:wiz: :peace:
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oh ya, make sure he/she poops daily. if not take a warm cloth and gently wipe like the area. thats why you see adult animals clean their young down there. helps them make:D :peace:
Oh I have gotten a showerlastnight ...and basiccly I figured on grinding cereals fed my baby squirrel when I was a baby cheerios ....he popped on his own lastnight so I guess we good ...he sleeping imaging ball wrapped in towel so he's good .....and thanks for the ladies karma they moving now ...
OK fellas so here's a good mind bogglers ....I have small.limestone in the driveway and never dawned on me to ask ideas? I AM interested in lining my layered pits with a few chunks then ffresh gut grass and levee grow a peach tree along with twigs and leaves and ricks and tiwgs for about 4 inches the soils rocks and lgrass matter then soil so about 6 inches is this for serious aeration ....then my flower soils for 4 inches grass rocks veg soil and perkite on top for irrigation issues .....well I have a lot of ideas ands seems this should work huh the citrus carbs from twigs smashed and leaves mashed in a mortar pestal...I'm sanitary it with Neem.oil and big soap ...I can do it like this and the limestone help with Cal oh Ph I ha e feeds too so just wondering .......I'm trying too regardless lol
May my little buddy RIP ...went to rodent heaven lastnight even got him to a vet and vet said it was too late for the lil Guy severely malnutrition and dehydration she probably kicked it out the nest .....well his death also brought new life....for doing this I believe the Mj gods helped and offered me My last Jet 47 has arrived ed took a few days in just dirt but she's here for the party!!!!!!! .....Amen ......

BABIES LOOKIN SUPER GOOD NOW .....Ian only lacking the Auto Asassin ...

So we have a Jet 47 ....Soaking 2 cobras 1 feel-good......
Yep thanks bud man I wish I coulda done more for the little Guy but man where I live there is millions of them if I get another chance which I've found them a lot bit dead and way to little ...atleast I can do better I'm all set as a squirrel parent!!!!!

But I'm way more happier I found my JET 47 LOL ....
So checking ma babies giving them water looking at my oldest cobra bronze 8-31 ...popping nutts ....found a magic yesterday and he's doing the same thing ....bulb on top nuts around nodes and so 1 cobra down 3 cobras soaking ....I had him in a red solo cup so isn't too bad ....ill wait a few days tho to make sure and send some Picturesby Sunday or Monday ....
1 feel-good
3 cobras