Jean-O's Show Grows 2024 Welcome to the Thunderdome Jean-O's Genetics Battle Royal

Hey Jean-O,

I thought this was going to be solo cups only? Is it open to whatever pot size we would like? It's your contest so whatever you want is fine with me. Just need to know if I should plan to run a solo or go larger. If it's open I'll probably bump up to a standard 3 gallon.
Yeah its whatever pot size any grow style.
Thanks @Jean-O I’ve been down for a few days with my body giving up so it’s been slow start for me. Got a couple things left to finish in the tent before. But with unexpected plans I’ll probably be gone till the 7th and will get seeds soaking when I’m back. Then I can try and give it my all to make this a comeback grow since I’ve been down.
Germination code
Hello n good morning I couldn't figure out how to edit the main page on my phone so I'll try to get the germination code up on that later today after work.
Germination code for this contest is