:pie: cakey cakey! :thumbsup: Another SS version I'm wanting to see grown out! I always love your multi-plant grows TF, a good snap shot of pheno's typically... I've not bought any at stores etc., never sure I had the real deal stuff either including the clone my client got this last season... She grew out looking the part, but the aroma is another question! Nothing sweet or "dessert-like" about her, she reminds me of Gorilla Breath and 11 Roses, with a softer smell, not sour either like those two were... hashy-spicey, woods, earthy note and something else I can't place... Nice potency and effect though!
thanks rivet remind me what was the GDP are we talking about the grand daddy confidential they had when they first started or am i mistaken ?

For some reason I am thinking it was Grand Daddy Purple, but I think you are right that it was GDC or a cross. Been awhile sorry!
:pie: cakey cakey! :thumbsup: Another SS version I'm wanting to see grown out! I always love your multi-plant grows TF, a good snap shot of pheno's typically... I've not bought any at stores etc., never sure I had the real deal stuff either including the clone my client got this last season... She grew out looking the part, but the aroma is another question! Nothing sweet or "dessert-like" about her, she reminds me of Gorilla Breath and 11 Roses, with a softer smell, not sour either like those two were... hashy-spicey, woods, earthy note and something else I can't place... Nice potency and effect though!
iv smoked some uk birthday cake wasnt blown away by it or anything but nice all the same was definitely on the lighter side of the terp profile not quite sweet but not floral or skunky either its just one example and from the uk so fuck knows where that cut originated haha the reason i was drawn to growing it was for her resin production potential and she is supposed to be one of the better yielding cookies crosses just got myself a trim bin so alot of hash making is in my future im quite partial to a bit of brown :eyebrows:
For some reason I am thinking it was Grand Daddy Purple, but I think you are right that it was GDC or a cross. Been awhile sorry!
no apologies needed no one else should be able to remember a random discontinued strain from 5 years ago hahaha i have a sickness also im honestly a bit butt hurt about not getting my hands on some to preserve my friend ran some and he had one pheno that was caked in resin i mean solid and when you broke the bud it was purple down the center talk about prized phenos lost:shrug:by the time he ran them they got discontinued and mischa couldnt get me any more no one bought them up so when they all sold out no more were made as far as i know i think this is why i have one of everything they make now :rofl:
no apologies needed no one else should be able to remember a random discontinued strain from 5 years ago hahaha i have a sickness also im honestly a bit butt hurt about not getting my hands on some to preserve my friend ran some and he had one pheno that was caked in resin i mean solid and when you broke the bud it was purple down the center talk about prized phenos lost:shrug:by the time he ran them they got discontinued and mischa couldnt get me any more no one bought them up so when they all sold out no more were made as far as i know i think this is why i have one of everything they make now :rofl:

I never cloned her either, I only grew one from three seeds, I can't recall if two didn't germinate or I didn't have the room or what. Can't believe it was that long ago tho! Sounds like a stellar plant your friend grew, yummy!
For some reason I am thinking it was Grand Daddy Purple, but I think you are right that it was GDC or a cross. Been awhile sorry!
:smokeout:gotta get you smoking more, your levels have run alarmingly low!

iv smoked some uk birthday cake wasnt blown away by it or anything but nice all the same was definitely on the lighter side of the terp profile not quite sweet but not floral or skunky either its just one example and from the uk so fuck knows where that cut originated haha the reason i was drawn to growing it was for her resin production potential and she is supposed to be one of the better yielding cookies crosses just got myself a trim bin so alot of hash making is in my future im quite partial to a bit of brown :eyebrows:
Oh mate, all these silly dessert variants are so much swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool! The entire lot is like a whole small village chain bumping each other Popularity ALWAYS waters the original genetics down, so it comes down to who has the best, truest cut to start with and can seed it out with any sort of consistency... Then it's the pheno gamble game! :rolleyes2:

WC is a resin machine, buds are so gummy....:drool:
You run a nice clean set up there farmer :toke::pass: plants are looking happy and healthy...... Is Seed Stockers European based or are they on US side of the pond? :bong:

Best of luck with the flowering:smokeit:
thanks stylez they are European but herbies /seedsman /attitude seed bank carry their stuff :d5: