Live Stoner Chat WE ARE NOT ALONE!

MR magoo

myopic cantankerous curmudgeon.
Cultivators Club
Jul 25, 2017
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Currently Smoking
chemdog, thc bomb, northern lights, Ghaze diesel, gorilla.
I thought I would start a thread about the extraterrestrial visits that take place on a daily basis.
this video is possibly the most important news event in history. this is real! a few months after this press conference, 9/11 happened and this event was buried. and may be one of the causes.
for the public to be unaware of it's significance. its a long video. but it should be watched. it's important that people understand, we are not alone.

anyone please give your input on this.:smokeout:
I am not just another pretty face.:eyebrows: I grow too! and here is a pic of an alien eating my bud! I know he looks like a parakeet, but he has an IQ of 450.:cheers:
Sundog. thanks.:thumbsup: don't know what it is? I don't know what I am smoking? all I know is it knocks me on my ass. the last two grows, I didn't mark down who was who.
I coast during hot summer months. and grow in earnest fall thru winter. been growing indoors for 10 years. outdoors off and on since 1965.
so what do you think the et's want with humans? just to study us?
This was called disclosure project and the man behind it (first speaker) is named Steven Greer. He has another piece out called unacknowledged which I believe is available on Netflix. Watch with a grain of salt though.
Cool video, watch some Bob Lazar videos about unimpentiuom 119 or some shit like that . It’s what he claims powers alien anti gravity engines . He worked at Area 51 in the 90’s when he made these claims. Now magically that element 119 20 so years later is listed on the table/chart . They said he was nuts & he died soon after I believe to a weird accident, imagine that lol! If those lying greedy fucks admitted they have been studying interstellar vehicles for 70 years they would have to explain why we still burn fossil fuels & nuclear energy & hope I’m alive for that shit show !!!