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From my understanding there's at least 7 species of non terrestrial beings that are inhabiting the Earth at any one time and some been here for 30,000 years +. One of the more "famous" visitors in recent time was Valiant Thor, a book about this chap, "Stranger at the Pentagon" was even penned.

Here's some info for anyone interested.
I thought this was Thor. :biggrin: :eyebrows:
From my understanding there's at least 7 species of non terrestrial beings that are inhabiting the Earth at any one time and some been here for 30,000 years +. One of the more "famous" visitors in recent time was Valiant Thor, a book about this chap, "Stranger at the Pentagon" was even penned.

Here's some info for anyone interested.
Thats cool, never heard of that one!
Another from the Daily Fail yesterday, the Italian team will never be allowed to investigate further until the narrative changes.

From my understanding there's at least 7 species of non terrestrial beings that are inhabiting the Earth at any one time and some been here for 30,000 years +. One of the more "famous" visitors in recent time was Valiant Thor, a book about this chap, "Stranger at the Pentagon" was even penned.

Here's some info for anyone interested.
You know, after going back and reading that article, I remember this from when I was a kid. Even with the crude data we had at the time, mainly derived from supposition. I knew there's really no way that this dude was from Venus! Modern data shows the environment to be even more harsh than we envisioned back then.
Another from the Daily Fail yesterday, the Italian team will never be allowed to investigate further until the narrative changes.

I saw someone's podcast that was talking about these huge cylinders that sit underneath the Great Pyramids. They go very deep into the ground. I think I saw someone say Joe Rogan had a podcast with them talking about that.
I'm just waiting for something more scientific than some silly ass podcast.

Edit............... sort of like that article you posted:funny::funny::funny:
You know, after going back and reading that article, I remember this from when I was a kid. Even with the crude data we had at the time, mainly derived from supposition. I knew there's really no way that this dude was from Venus! Modern data shows the environment to be even more harsh than we envisioned back then.

I saw someone's podcast that was talking about these huge cylinders that sit underneath the Great Pyramids. They go very deep into the ground. I think I saw someone say Joe Rogan had a podcast with them talking about that.
I'm just waiting for something more scientific than some silly ass podcast
What if his consciousness as whatever species he is being Venutian can take any form! And doesn’t necessarily have to have a physical body that inhabits space the same way we do! What we interpret as inhospitable could possibly a dream world for such a species if we could call it that! I really believe that a physical form is not necessary for consciousness to survive or arise.
What if his consciousness as whatever species he is being Venutian can take any form! And doesn’t necessarily have to have a physical body that inhabits space the same way we do! What we interpret as inhospitable could possibly a dream world for such a species if we could call it that! I really believe that a physical form is not necessary for consciousness to survive or arise.
Well they would have to come from outside our solar system since Venus is not old enough for something like that to evolve
You know, after going back and reading that article, I remember this from when I was a kid. Even with the crude data we had at the time, mainly derived from supposition. I knew there's really no way that this dude was from Venus! Modern data shows the environment to be even more harsh than we envisioned back then.

I saw someone's podcast that was talking about these huge cylinders that sit underneath the Great Pyramids. They go very deep into the ground. I think I saw someone say Joe Rogan had a podcast with them talking about that.
I'm just waiting for something more scientific than some silly ass podcast.

Edit............... sort of like that article you posted:funny::funny::funny:
You have to take it all with a pinch of salt, the truth is always mixed in with misdirection. Most entities are dimensional or use the human form as an avatar. Consciousness can exist simultaneously outside the physical form as we perceive it. :bighug:

Legacy media and the like including much of the MAM'S, (mainstream alternative media) is coerced, the likes of Jones, Tucker, Rogan etc.. are just replacements now for the dyeing mainstream.
They put out interesting stories without telling you anything :crying:. No evacuations will be conducted the same as the void discovered beneath the Sphinx. The big issue is the narrative, the official timeline dates the building of the pyramids to be roughly 2,500BC. The ice, stone, bronze and dark ages are all directly correlated in Earths Timeline to their construction at this time. If this is wrong which their is much evidence to suggest alternate credible dates, than the entire History of Earth must be rewritten. This is the barrier for the academics and for the Origin of Species by Darwin, that must be maintained to hold the narrative together.
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We are at the bottom of the food chain. in the context of the Universe.. But human EGO gets in the way this is sad. we live on a planet that is in the I, I, me, me, mine. state of mind. that's fucked up!!!
And if humans don't get over it, it will be our end.
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We are at the bottom of the food chain. in the context of the Universe.. But human EGO gets in the way this is sad. we live on a planet that is in the I, I, me, me, mine. state of mind. that's fucked up!!!
And if humans don't get over it, it will be our end.
That kind of reminds me of a discussion we had in the classroom about four years after the publication of Chariots of the Gods. Somewhere around 72 or 73.
We had a book report to do for English and I picked that one. My English teacher was highly religious and did not like the book I chose to do a report on. We had to submit a written report and then the class chose books that they wanted an oral discussion on. Among the ones chosen was mine. This highly irritated my teacher.
She tried controlling the questions the other students had, but we muddled through that.
I could clearly see how much this was irritating her, so in my closing statement, I decided to give her a way out and a dig at the same time.
"Miss Scott, Rest assured that the only reason this book was written and such a hit, emminates totally from the human ego. Ya know that ego that thinks we are important enough for someone to travel vast distances to study and observe us!"

This just totally blew her mind and left her speechless. I got an A for the written report and extra credit A for the oral.

I guess it was a good thing I didn't add the last part that I had in mind. I probably wouldn't have gotten those A's.
I was going to say something on the order of, "That's the same human ego that thinks this omnipotent God hears and answers our individual requests and prayers . Luckily I had already learned that discretion is the better part of valor. :cools: :cools::cools::cools::cools::funny::funny::funny::funny:

That book report was brought up in conversation a few years later in science class in high school by one of my friends. It was Bobby. He was a science geek like me but he was an extremely talented artist. Bobby drew up detailed plans of the Starship Enterprise.
He asked me flat out if I still felt the same way about the book. I said yeah, but with a bit of a twist. " If we are being visited by someone outside the Earth, then it's not aliens that are doing it. It's us traveling back in time and checking on ourselves."

With that statement being said, the alien issue went out the window! The discussion went to whether time travel was possible or not!:funny::funny::funny: