Live Stoner Chat WE ARE NOT ALONE!

Finally the lie they should have just told us a month ago. Knew they weren't planes. Pretty much everybody in the state has seen them :bong:
What a fuc%king joke!! Trump is just as useless as any democrat. :nono: and is under the deep black state control.
So the FAA has told our government it's OK to fuck with our minds. :cuss:
Yep, the Orange man is controlled by the cult, amongst others. It was Iran and a "mother ship" anchored off the Eastern Seaboard :crying:according to intelligence insiders..

The whole saga serves as a tool to make drones/UAPS common place, nothing to see here. Just alphabet agencies gathering intel and revealing "their" tech for the pending Bluebeam/AI holographic op, it's the season of reveal :crying::crying:
I am glad i am an old man, otherwise i would be a radical activist against this totally fukked up government. they feed us nonsense, they don't even take time for a plausible explanation, they just give us VERY STUPID LIE"S .
Part of the problem is the fact that the average intelligence in the U.S. is at a sixth grade level. this is a fact!
So sorry for your kids and grandkids growing up in the worst time for the Human Race.:sadcry: . I am scared for them. :eek2:
The planet Earth has shifted into the 4th density. Those of us who are in the 3rd density are now feeling the pains of this shift. Everything will change. You can see these changes happening now. Everything will break down. Everything. 3rd density bodies will no longer be able to survive here. Chaos rules. This is as it is meant to be. It is a natural shift. Stay focused on the Love and the Light. Seek from inside you for your answers.
The planet Earth has shifted into the 4th density. Those of us who are in the 3rd density are now feeling the pains of this shift. Everything will change. You can see these changes happening now. Everything will break down. Everything. 3rd density bodies will no longer be able to survive here. Chaos rules. This is as it is meant to be. It is a natural shift. Stay focused on the Love and the Light. Seek from inside you for your answers.
Feeling good here brother, :bighug:Love and Light.
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Fastbuds update. Cherry Cola, square pots, Gorilla cookies round pots. and flowering Fastbud mystery girl? very fruity! smelling. :drool:
@Nosias . :bighug:I wish i had your faith.