Live Stoner Chat watup smokers

Welcome to the group! If you have been growing corals successfully, you will find your cannabis grow a real breeze! You already have the experience of monitoring and controlling multiple parameters and that's all growing is....Good Luck and enjoy the site.
Welcome to the group! If you have been growing corals successfully, you will find your cannabis grow a real breeze! You already have the experience of monitoring and controlling multiple parameters and that's all growing is....Good Luck and enjoy the site.

yeah man. transferable skills n that. im a keen gardener aswell so......

thanks for the welcomes. more than ive had on ANY other forum im a member of, good people us reefers.
Welcome mate!...:peace:
Welcome to AFN Kendo! :smokebuds:

Good luck and happy growing! Looking forward to your thread :thumbs:
Welcome to the site. :D Take a gander, you should love it here. :thumbs:
Welcome to the site. :D Take a gander, you should love it here. :thumbs:

i have been mate and i do already. good bunch and no bitches, which is a rare thing on ANY forum. its a mine of information and a deep well of knowledge. learned quite a lot already. :thumbs: