Watever you do, Don't Talk about the Weather

"kudos". And we must defeat our Home Owners Associations---viva la revolution---:BottomBeater:.

Excellent hidden info--JM.

great video. found the comment section interesting as well. shows how poorly informed and how well conditions (brainwashed) many Americans are. every fact in this video is true and easy to confirm but I guess its easier to parrot the party line than to educate yourself. how many people in england or Europe are denied essential health care because the could not pay for it? how many have died because of that.
your daily dose:
[video=youtube;JZvjtDvorKk]https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-cl=85114404&v=JZvjtDvorKk&feature=player_detailpag e&x-yt-ts=1422579428[/video]
whoops! tripped again!

Have you seen this one JM?

I forgot to mention, hes dead now. You can figure out why.
I have come across some videos that were on youtube, and the whistleblowers masteriously all had "accidents" and ended up dying or "deaths" not to long after they started getting attention with their whistle blowing. Damn shame man.
I have come across some videos that were on youtube, and the whistleblowers masteriously all had "accidents" and ended up dying or "deaths" not to long after they started getting attention with their whistle blowing. Damn shame man.

our job not to let it happen in vain... keep getting their words out... help them speak from the grave.. :check:

yes, saw the fbi pedo ring one... :check: