i find that when i water slow and steady and give the dirt a chance to actualy absorb the water it goes off without a hitch. i do a half gal at a time when neccesary. the more dry that my 3.4 gallon airpot is the slower i pour. i actualylplan on manufactuaring ( more like rigging) a screen condom for my air pot to wrap around the outside to avoid dirt loss or atleast minimize it. im sick of blowing dirt out of those holes the moment i pick it up or water it. the screen material has good airflow ( obviously) but will hold in the larger pieces of dirt. water slow and screendom it.
thats how i do things. hope that helps at least someonne..
ill take you up on that rolled fatty :smokebuds:
This is my second grow with airpots and at first I too have this problem but on my last grow when the girls got a little bigger I added a little mix to bring it up a little after the soil settles.After a few waterings the soilfills the holes better and if you go slow at first you won't lose much water:booya:
This is my second grow with airpots and at first I too have this problem but on my last grow when the girls got a little bigger I added a little mix to bring it up a little after the soil settles.After a few waterings the soilfills the holes better and if you go slow at first you won't lose much water:booya:
Iv switched to fabric smart pots for this years outdoor grow mate,they give the same air pruning principle as airpots..my airpots were drying out in 1 or 2 days when it was hot and with me working outa town it was a pain.iv found the smart pots dont dry iut as quick mate and i prefer the smart pots for out in the polytunnel and airpots indoors in my tent :smokebuds:
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