Indoor Water only with kindsoil - 3 Delicious Critical Neville Haze Autoflower with 600 led watts in a 2x4

She is now home.. 4:36 pm
Thanks friend I learned much my last go around and feel good about this one. I also Decided that I will plant the other 2 seeds when this one pops. I can't afford not too. I will add another net to control them.
Patience is crucial in this stage of cannabis growth.

Between 70-90 degrees, in a high humid environment it can take the seeds anywhere from 2-7 days to sprout.

-Sources from Jorge Cervantes
I wish I refuse to buy from some low level street punk. But as far as I can see they must be. Plus I can't find much information on this strain. I really would like to see her grow and provide others with information.

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