Indoor Water only with kindsoil - 3 Delicious Critical Neville Haze Autoflower with 600 led watts in a 2x4

We may have different versions of the same strain I'm just now starting to gain height.. My stem is very thick already. Now I'm just waiting to use the net. We also have no signs of sex.

But before I upgrade my whole environment I would like to build a led light the I'm seeing and hearing so much about. I can use some help...

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It is very simple to build a led. You can convert an existing light or just build with new components. I say build new.

Yours is looking good, as long as its growing. Mine hasn't shown heavily but im not worried, its a good strain and is going to do what it wants not what I want.
Today is September 16 2016 Time is 10:24am

Today marks the 3 week mark for her. I cut the last 2 fan leaves last night that were at the bottom of the plant not getting light. Still not much height yet. She was given 20 oz today. She seems to a strong plant I have not been gentle at all with her. The dark purple auto is coming along nice.

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I like it, but something seems to be causing the issue of size with the plants. Getting that solved will change your grows. Your are doing what you should but not getting the right results
I have no idea what it could be. My grows would be very good. If I can solve it.

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Let's see how the dark purple auto does... Maybe because I'm in a basement I'm going to seal the room. And get ready for co2 bags.

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